Link to table from Protected Access Database

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tyven Bong
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Tyven Bong

Dear All, please help.

How to link Ms. Access application to a table from another file of Ms.
Access database that is protected with password.
Hi Tyven,

If you are manually linking, you should be prompted for the database
password. I can only assume that you are asking how to programmatically link
to a password protected database, since manual linking is a piece of cake.
Here is a function that I found on the internet several years ago, which I
just modified tonight to allow for passing in a database password. I have
only tested this code in Access 2003 (not Access 2007). Copy and paste the
functions shown below into a new stand-alone module. Save the module, and
then do a Debug / Compile to ensure that you do not have any compile errors.

Public Function LinkTable2(strDB As String, strPassword As String, _
strTBL As String, bolOverWrite As Boolean) As Boolean

On Error GoTo ErrHandle

'// Creates a link in CurrentDB to table strTBL in strDB
'// If bolOverWrite = TRUE then strTBL will be over written
'// if it already exists.
'// Returns TRUE if successul, FALSE otherwise.
'// Written By: Steve Huff
'// Date: 1/11/04
'// Modified 10/19/2009 by Tom Wickerath to allow linking
'// to a password protected .mdb file
'// From Immediate Window:
'// ?LinkTable2 ("c:\temp\ReadTextFile.mdb", "STUFF", "tblDefault", True)
Dim db As Database
Dim tdf As TableDef

Set db = CurrentDb

strPassword = ";PWD=" & strPassword & ""

If TableExists("", strTBL) And bolOverWrite = True Then
db.TableDefs.Delete strTBL
Debug.Print "Bang!"
End If

Set tdf = db.CreateTableDef(strTBL)

tdf.Connect = ";DATABASE=" & strDB & strPassword
tdf.SourceTableName = strTBL
db.TableDefs.Append tdf

LinkTable2 = True


Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Exit Function
LinkTable2 = False
Resume Exit_Function
End Function

Public Function TableExists _
(strDatabase As String, _
strTable As String) As Boolean

On Error GoTo ProcError

'//Written By: Steve Huff
'//Written: 7/18/02

' Comments : Determines if the named table exists in the named database
' Parameters: strDatabase - path and name of the database to look in
' or "" (blank string) for the current database.

' strTable - name of the table to check

' Returns : True - table exists, False - table does not exist

Dim db As Database
Dim intTableCount As Integer, x As Integer

If IsBlank(strDatabase) Then
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set db = OpenDatabase(strDatabase)
End If

intTableCount = db.TableDefs.Count

TableExists = False '//Default to table not found

For x = 0 To intTableCount - 1
If db.TableDefs(x).Name = strTable Then
TableExists = True
Exit For '//If table is found, get out of loop and return True
End If
Next x

Exit Function
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, _
vbCritical, "Error in procedure TableExists..."
Resume ExitProc

End Function

Public Function IsBlank(anyValue As Variant) As Boolean

'Returns true if a value is Null or an empty string
IsBlank = False
If IsNull(anyValue) Then
IsBlank = True
If Trim(anyValue) = "" Then
IsBlank = True
End If
End If

End Function

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP