Link to my email changes when published to web



Any help would be greatly appreciated. I orginally had another email account listed in the bottom shared borders protion of my web site. I have since changed it or tried to. It appears correctly on my website while working with it in frontpage but when I publish to the web it remains the old addy that I no longer want it to show

I have tried to change the hyperlink properties many times...I even went into every single page and made sure that each one changed before publishing...but it still reverts back to the original...but only on the web the new one stays on my local computer..

Any thoughts...sorry if I can't be as clear as you would prefer. THanks!

Steve Easton

Clear you browsers cache files and then re-open the page.
Or press the control key and then click Refresh.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Nicole said:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I orginally had another email
account listed in the bottom shared borders protion of my web site. I have
since changed it or tried to. It appears correctly on my website while
working with it in frontpage but when I publish to the web it remains the
old addy that I no longer want it to show.
I have tried to change the hyperlink properties many times...I even went
into every single page and made sure that each one changed before
publishing...but it still reverts back to the original...but only on the web
the new one stays on my local computer...

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