* ProteanThread * said:
J44xm said:["* ProteanThread *"; Tue, 17 Feb 2004 23:30:09 GMT]
What would be a point in downloading an alternate OS?
J44xm wrote in said:What would be a point in downloading an alternate OS?
Bjorn Simonsen said:The point is to see how many operating systems you can
make coexist on the same PC, and how many your boot
manager can handle. See for instance
"One PC, Six Hard Drives, 37 OSes!"
(ps: XOSL - mentioned in above article - now hosted at
All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Steven Burn wrote in said:
I couldn't even locate the download link for half of them and the one's that
I did find..... didn't seem to work\
Half of? Those mentioned in the first or second link
above? I assume not the third?
Hint: <http://home.online.no/~shughes/a57998/quote.html>
All the best,
Bjorn Simonsen
Bjorn Simonsen said:The point is to see how many operating systems you can
make coexist on the same PC, and how many your boot
manager can handle. See for instance
"One PC, Six Hard Drives, 37 OSes!"
This is a partial list of the OS versions that ran on x86 systems I wasErnest said:I had four on a PC once (Win 98, Win 2K, Win XP and trial Win 2003) but
never near that many. Hell, I didn't even know there *were* that many
Gary R. Schmidt said:This is a partial list of the OS versions that ran on x86 systems I was
supporting software running on once upon a time (about 1994):
MS/PC-DOS 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 5, 6, 6.12, 6.2, 6.21, 6.22
DR-DOS 2, 3, 4
Windows 3.0, 3.1, 3.11 running on variants of the above
OS/2 1.2, 2.0
WinNT 3.1, 3.51
That's 19, without the win3 permutation effect, and ignoring needing to
run localised (i.e. Japanese) versions of some things.
It was such fun!
should download them and take a good look. Sometimes they have real nice
Personally, I like the one 3,5" disk windows o/s projects very much (as they
spport my theory). I have to admit, they are still nowhere in functonality,