Link to Cell Not Updating



Having a problem I've never seen, and can't figure it out. In Cell A1 I have
some text (assume it is "boy"). In Cell A2 I want to reference the value in
A1, so when A1 changes, A2 changes along with it. In Cell A2 I have the
formula "=A1". Instead of returning "boy" in A2, it just shows =A1 in the
cell, and doesn't catch the link. I've tried to force calc and have ensured
calculation is set to auto, cell still just shows =A1. Any ideas? Thanks.


Cell (A2) is probably formatted as text.

Format to General and re-enter.

You can select A2, then:
<Ctrl> <Shift> < ` > (under the <Esc> key - some keyboards it's lower ~)
<F2> <Enter>.



Please keep all correspondence within the NewsGroup, so all may benefit !
Jason said:
Having a problem I've never seen, and can't figure it out. In Cell A1 I have
some text (assume it is "boy"). In Cell A2 I want to reference the value in
A1, so when A1 changes, A2 changes along with it. In Cell A2 I have the
formula "=A1". Instead of returning "boy" in A2, it just shows =A1 in the
cell, and doesn't catch the link. I've tried to force calc and have ensured
calculation is set to auto, cell still just shows =A1. Any ideas?



Cell A2 is probably formatted as TEXT.

Select A2 and set the format to GENERAL.

With A2 still selected hit function key F2 then hit ENTER.



Cell A2 could have (inadvertently) been formatted as Text
Re-format A2 as General (via: Format > Cells),
then re-enter the formula in A2

Jason said:
Having a problem I've never seen, and can't figure it out. In Cell A1 I have
some text (assume it is "boy"). In Cell A2 I want to reference the value in
A1, so when A1 changes, A2 changes along with it. In Cell A2 I have the
formula "=A1". Instead of returning "boy" in A2, it just shows =A1 in the
cell, and doesn't catch the link. I've tried to force calc and have ensured
calculation is set to auto, cell still just shows =A1. Any ideas?

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