Link to Activities in Contacts

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In Outlook 2003, there was a feature where you could link an activity, like
an appointment, with a contact without sending a meeting invitation. Then
when you clicke on the 'Activities' tab for a given contact, ALL the relevant
activities for that person would show up, including e-mails, meetings AND
appointments that you didn't enter as meetings. I cannot find this ability
in Outlook 2007. Does it still exist? If so, how do I access it?
It is unchanged. You will find it in the "Show" chunk on the Ribbon in the
Contact Record.
Russ --

Thanks for your reply, but it doesn't really answer my question. Perhaps I
didn't make myself clear. I see how to GET to the activities (on the "Show"
chunk, like you say) but how do I put Activities there in the first place?
What I used to be able to do in Outlook 2003 is make an appointment for
myself (for an example, a hair appointment with my stylist) and then I could
link the appointment to my stylist's contact info. Now I could do this
without inviting her to a meeting or anything like that. I could just link
the appointment to her contact info. How do I do that in Outlook 2007
without having to invite her to a meeting, which would be silly and
impossible actually, since I don't know my stylist's e-mail address (which is
the only way you can invite her to a meeting).

Is this clearer? Is there anyway to do this without inviting her to a
meeting or assigning her a task, which would also be weird.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Russ Valentine said:
It is unchanged. You will find it in the "Show" chunk on the Ribbon in the
Contact Record.
Russ Valentine
MichelleH45 said:
In Outlook 2003, there was a feature where you could link an activity,
an appointment, with a contact without sending a meeting invitation. Then
when you clicke on the 'Activities' tab for a given contact, ALL the
activities for that person would show up, including e-mails, meetings AND
appointments that you didn't enter as meetings. I cannot find this
in Outlook 2007. Does it still exist? If so, how do I access it?
Russ --

Please ignore this whole thread. I found the answer in a reply you sent to
someone else! Thanks for your help!


Russ Valentine said:
It is unchanged. You will find it in the "Show" chunk on the Ribbon in the
Contact Record.
Russ Valentine
MichelleH45 said:
In Outlook 2003, there was a feature where you could link an activity,
an appointment, with a contact without sending a meeting invitation. Then
when you clicke on the 'Activities' tab for a given contact, ALL the
activities for that person would show up, including e-mails, meetings AND
appointments that you didn't enter as meetings. I cannot find this
in Outlook 2007. Does it still exist? If so, how do I access it?
The links will be created as you create Outlook Items. If you migrated your
data to this new installation improperly, all pre-existing links will be
broken, so you will be starting from scratch.
Russ Valentine
MichelleH45 said:
Russ --

Thanks for your reply, but it doesn't really answer my question. Perhaps
didn't make myself clear. I see how to GET to the activities (on the
chunk, like you say) but how do I put Activities there in the first place?
What I used to be able to do in Outlook 2003 is make an appointment for
myself (for an example, a hair appointment with my stylist) and then I
link the appointment to my stylist's contact info. Now I could do this
without inviting her to a meeting or anything like that. I could just
the appointment to her contact info. How do I do that in Outlook 2007
without having to invite her to a meeting, which would be silly and
impossible actually, since I don't know my stylist's e-mail address (which
the only way you can invite her to a meeting).

Is this clearer? Is there anyway to do this without inviting her to a
meeting or assigning her a task, which would also be weird.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Russ Valentine said:
It is unchanged. You will find it in the "Show" chunk on the Ribbon in
Contact Record.
Russ Valentine
MichelleH45 said:
In Outlook 2003, there was a feature where you could link an activity,
an appointment, with a contact without sending a meeting invitation.
when you clicke on the 'Activities' tab for a given contact, ALL the
activities for that person would show up, including e-mails, meetings
appointments that you didn't enter as meetings. I cannot find this
in Outlook 2007. Does it still exist? If so, how do I access it?
Russ --

The problem was that I had to "turn on" the ability to link activities to
contacts. The button labeled "Contacts. . ." at the bottom of an appointment
was turned off. In one of your previous posts in reply to a similar issue,
you explained how to turn this on. That's all I needed to do. Links are NOT
automatic for appointments unless you click the "Contacts. . ." button and
create the link yourself. They are automatic for meetings because you create
invitations, but not for appointments. Thanks.

Russ Valentine said:
The links will be created as you create Outlook Items. If you migrated your
data to this new installation improperly, all pre-existing links will be
broken, so you will be starting from scratch.
Russ Valentine
MichelleH45 said:
Russ --

Thanks for your reply, but it doesn't really answer my question. Perhaps
didn't make myself clear. I see how to GET to the activities (on the
chunk, like you say) but how do I put Activities there in the first place?
What I used to be able to do in Outlook 2003 is make an appointment for
myself (for an example, a hair appointment with my stylist) and then I
link the appointment to my stylist's contact info. Now I could do this
without inviting her to a meeting or anything like that. I could just
the appointment to her contact info. How do I do that in Outlook 2007
without having to invite her to a meeting, which would be silly and
impossible actually, since I don't know my stylist's e-mail address (which
the only way you can invite her to a meeting).

Is this clearer? Is there anyway to do this without inviting her to a
meeting or assigning her a task, which would also be weird.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Russ Valentine said:
It is unchanged. You will find it in the "Show" chunk on the Ribbon in
Contact Record.
Russ Valentine
In Outlook 2003, there was a feature where you could link an activity,
an appointment, with a contact without sending a meeting invitation.
when you clicke on the 'Activities' tab for a given contact, ALL the
activities for that person would show up, including e-mails, meetings
appointments that you didn't enter as meetings. I cannot find this
in Outlook 2007. Does it still exist? If so, how do I access it?
Not so. That button is simply an option you can add to the Contact Form so
you can link one Contact Record to another. Any other Outlook item that you
create that is associated with a Contact will still appear in the Activities
List (such as messages or birthdays, etc.)
Russ Valentine
MichelleH45 said:
Russ --

The problem was that I had to "turn on" the ability to link activities to
contacts. The button labeled "Contacts. . ." at the bottom of an
was turned off. In one of your previous posts in reply to a similar
you explained how to turn this on. That's all I needed to do. Links are
automatic for appointments unless you click the "Contacts. . ." button and
create the link yourself. They are automatic for meetings because you
invitations, but not for appointments. Thanks.

Russ Valentine said:
The links will be created as you create Outlook Items. If you migrated
data to this new installation improperly, all pre-existing links will be
broken, so you will be starting from scratch.
Russ Valentine
MichelleH45 said:
Russ --

Thanks for your reply, but it doesn't really answer my question.
didn't make myself clear. I see how to GET to the activities (on the
chunk, like you say) but how do I put Activities there in the first
What I used to be able to do in Outlook 2003 is make an appointment for
myself (for an example, a hair appointment with my stylist) and then I
link the appointment to my stylist's contact info. Now I could do this
without inviting her to a meeting or anything like that. I could just
the appointment to her contact info. How do I do that in Outlook 2007
without having to invite her to a meeting, which would be silly and
impossible actually, since I don't know my stylist's e-mail address
the only way you can invite her to a meeting).

Is this clearer? Is there anyway to do this without inviting her to a
meeting or assigning her a task, which would also be weird.

Thanks for any help you can provide.



It is unchanged. You will find it in the "Show" chunk on the Ribbon in
Contact Record.
Russ Valentine
In Outlook 2003, there was a feature where you could link an
an appointment, with a contact without sending a meeting invitation.
when you clicke on the 'Activities' tab for a given contact, ALL the
activities for that person would show up, including e-mails,
appointments that you didn't enter as meetings. I cannot find this
in Outlook 2007. Does it still exist? If so, how do I access it?