As always there are many way to 'skin this cat'.
1. Build Form B, with Form C as a subform
2. Build Form A, with Form B as a subform.
The 'gottcha' is that Access wants the 'master' form to be in single record
view so form A will be in single record and so will form B. After you
build the forms you can go back and put them back into multiple record views
(at least in Access 98, and 2000).
A better way is to 'syncronize the forms' . I got the following from
Microsoft. In this approach you have several forms open and when you change
the current record in one it automatically filters the records in the
related forms. A little code required, but I like the user interface
open a module add the following function::
Function IsLoaded(ByVal strFormName As String) As Boolean
' Returns True if the specified form is open in Form view or Datasheet view.
Const conObjStateClosed = 0
Const conDesignView = 0
If SysCmd(acSysCmdGetObjectState, acForm, strFormName) <> conObjStateClosed
If Forms(strFormName).CurrentView <> conDesignView Then
IsLoaded = True
End If
End If
End Function
add the following code to the oncurrent event of the "master form" (here I
have a 'child form [Client Data] I want to keep in sync with the "master
form" and I want to link using the [CNumber] Field.
Private Sub Form_Current()
stDocName = "CLIENT DATA"
stLinkCriteria = "[CNUMBER]=" & Me![CNUMBER]
If (IsLoaded(stDocName) = True) Then
Forms![CLIENT DATA].FilterOn = True
Forms![CLIENT DATA].Filter = stLinkCriteria
End If
End Sub
Now dress things up by adding a button to open Form B from Form A and then
one to open form C from From B and your good to go.
In Access 2000 + you can use a 'tabbed page' and using events link them the
way you want to.
Hope this helps
Ed Warren.
Timboo said:
Ed, yes, infact the database is a fault logging system, form A = caller
details, form B = Issues associated with active caller in A, and Form C =
detials of the active issue on form B.
Is this hard to achieve?
Thanks Tim
Ed Warren said:
What you are describing is a set for forms linked
Form A --> Form B (subform) [detail records for A shown in B]
Form A --> Form C (subform) [Detail records for A shown in C]
What you are wanting is
Form A --> Form B (subform of A) --> Form C (subform of B)
Detail records for A shown in B and Detail records for B shown in C.
Ed Warren
I have a form with two subforms, when the first subform has a record
highlighted, I would like the other subform to show the details of the
or highlighted record. In newby speak, is this easily achieved? I
have a
verison of the simple database I can email with instructions if this
clarify what Im trying to do. Thanks Tim