I would like to know how to line a text without using tables to look like
I use <span style="padding-left:10px"> to indent the second line (where
required), but how can I line up the right hand side to be right justified??
Energy 23 Cal, 100 kj
Protein/Proteines 0.4g
Fat/Matieres grasses 0g
Polyunsaturates/Polyinsatures 0g
Monounsaturates/Monoinsatures 0g
Saturates/Satures 0g
Cholesterol/Cholesterol 0mg
Carbohydrates/Glucides 5.4g
Dietary fibre/Fibres alimentaires 2.4g
Sodium 54mg Potassium 195mg
I use <span style="padding-left:10px"> to indent the second line (where
required), but how can I line up the right hand side to be right justified??
Energy 23 Cal, 100 kj
Protein/Proteines 0.4g
Fat/Matieres grasses 0g
Polyunsaturates/Polyinsatures 0g
Monounsaturates/Monoinsatures 0g
Saturates/Satures 0g
Cholesterol/Cholesterol 0mg
Carbohydrates/Glucides 5.4g
Dietary fibre/Fibres alimentaires 2.4g
Sodium 54mg Potassium 195mg