Line Break Spacing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marsh
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Word 2003

In a bulletted list, when I press Enter, a new bullet is created with a line
spacing of 1.5. Because of special formatting requirements of some of the
agencies we send documents to, I require to be able to set a double space
when I press Shift+Enter. The spacing will be larger, no new bullet is
created, and the Hanging Indent is maintained.
Ultimately, when just Enter is press, the next bullet is created and the
spacing with the unbulleted line above is 1.5.

Please help.
What you are talking about is the difference between AFTER spacing
which defines the space after a paragraph (with Enter) and LINE
spacing which is applied to each line of the paragraph (Shift+Enter
creates a new line within the existing paragraph). In the Format/
Paragraph dialog the line spacing is listed to the right of the after
spacing section. Note that each paragraph may have its own unique
spacing settings.