Deb Roberts
Hi All
I am trying to produce a "letter" as a report in Access, with a neat & tidy
address block at the top.
I have fields Address1, Address2, Suburb, State & PostCode. Some or all of
these fields may be blank. If I try to set the address block using the
fields individually I get blank lines.
I have several reports with similar problems where blank fields occur.
I would really appreciate some assistance on this - I'm sure it's not so
difficult, but the solution is escaping me at the moment.
Thanks in anticipation !
I am trying to produce a "letter" as a report in Access, with a neat & tidy
address block at the top.
I have fields Address1, Address2, Suburb, State & PostCode. Some or all of
these fields may be blank. If I try to set the address block using the
fields individually I get blank lines.
I have several reports with similar problems where blank fields occur.
I would really appreciate some assistance on this - I'm sure it's not so
difficult, but the solution is escaping me at the moment.
Thanks in anticipation !