Greetings! I have little problem with a few "rebellious"
users that simply won't cooperate with me. Due to
certain software we are using, these particular users had
to be placed in the "Power Users" local group.
Unfortunately, they've taken a liking to installing
software such as Webshots, Weatherbug, toolbars, and
other unnecessary, spyware infested software on their
machines. Is there a way for me to completely stop them
from installing anything on their machine, yet still
remain part of the "Power Users" group such that they can
continue to use their PCs normally?
Thank you all in advance for your help.
users that simply won't cooperate with me. Due to
certain software we are using, these particular users had
to be placed in the "Power Users" local group.
Unfortunately, they've taken a liking to installing
software such as Webshots, Weatherbug, toolbars, and
other unnecessary, spyware infested software on their
machines. Is there a way for me to completely stop them
from installing anything on their machine, yet still
remain part of the "Power Users" group such that they can
continue to use their PCs normally?
Thank you all in advance for your help.