Limited User Account access to IE

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rita
  • Start date Start date


I am having the SAME headache!!! I have created limited
account for my kids and can't access IE as well as the
explorer to go to places such as control panel! Is there
a way to fix this!!! Their accounts works JUST fine if
converted to administrator account. This is ridiculous!
What good is this feature if the limited account can't
even access the web!

Frustrated Mom
Hello, I am having the same problem and have written to
Microsoft about it(still no reply-BS)
My error message says Microsoft visual c++ Runtime
library. Runtime is trying to terminate in an unusual
way. Same message with windows explorer. I suspect it is
in Local security policy settings, but I have been unable
to find which one. It works fine with an admin account,
but who wants the kids to have that many rights?
Search under Help and Support (Start Menu) for the word "Privileges" and one
of the results (ca #2 of 35) should be 'Dial-up credentials." The
explanations aren't easy to follow but they discuss this issue considerably.
You might also search User Privileges and again look for dial-up