limited columns?

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I am working with a large data set. (It is currently a form in Microsoft
Word) I need to import data into Excel (2003) but am getting an error
message which does not allow me to import all of the data since I have
exceeded the range of columns available in my spreadsheet. I thought that i
could get around this by importing the data vertically (into columns) as
opposed to horizontally (into rows) (ie : currently each row is a client, and
each column represents a question - I was hoping that I could import the data
whereas one client would be represented by a column)

Could anyone tell me how I can acheive this or perhaps give me another

I truly appreciate any help I can get!

How many Clients and how many questions do you have in the Word file

If both are over 256 - you will have to split into several sheets of
upgrade to the latest Excel.

Thanks for the response Steve! I have approximately 350 clients and 280
questions. Is the only way to do it is to upgrade to another excel program -
if so, which one?

Thanks again for all of your help!

use the rows for Clients - they will increase, easier to manage

Questions - if you could break them up into groups
seperate sheet for each group - 200+ questions for each group.
As many (nearly) groups as you like

for me, even if you upgrade a more manageable way of handling the data.
