Limit to filesize on Streamwriter?

  • Thread starter Thread starter eric.goforth
  • Start date Start date



I have a VB.NET app written in VS 2005 that's copying and then deleting
a very large number of files (250,000). It appears to run
successfully, but I don't see it finish in it's log file. The end of
the logfile looks like:

C:\Documents and Settings\MyUser\My Documents\Visual Studio
MyUtility\bin\Debug>tail log.txt
Deleting d:\attachments\sa6A8F.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa6A92.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa73EF.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa73F2.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa73F5.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa73FC.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa73FF.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa7402.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\sa8BC5.tmp
Deleting d:\attachments\zia03444
Deleting d:\attachm
C:\Documents and Settings\MyUser\My Documents\Visual Studio

The log file is 27,602,944 bytes. I'm writing to the logfile like so:

Dim swErrLog As StreamWriter = New
StreamWriter(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "\Log.txt")

swErrLog.WriteLine("Deleting " & aFiles(i))

Is there some upper limit to what size file a StreamWriter can handle?

Vadym said:
Hello, (e-mail address removed)!
eg> Is there some upper limit to what size file a StreamWriter can

Try calling Flush() method to make stream write data to the file.

Generally, data written to the file is cached and if you will call
Flush(), cached data will be written to the disk.

Or better yet, Dispose the stream - which will internally call Flush and
will release the OS file handle as well.

using (Stream os = new FileStream( ... ))
// do your thing, writing to os

// os.Dispose is called, flushing the stream and closing the file

Carl said:
Or better yet, Dispose the stream - which will internally call Flush and
will release the OS file handle as well.

using (Stream os = new FileStream( ... ))
// do your thing, writing to os

// os.Dispose is called, flushing the stream and closing the file



I have my streamwriter declared at the module level and them I'm doing
my swErrLog.WriteLine("Deleting " & aFiles(i)) in various subroutines
and functions in my module.

Is this the best way to do this? I figured that it would be better to
have everyone share one Streamwriter object than reinstantiating it
tens of thousands of times. If I call a Dispose won't it destroy my
Streamwriter object?

Is this a log file?

Mike Ober.


I have my streamwriter declared at the module level and them I'm doing
my swErrLog.WriteLine("Deleting " & aFiles(i)) in various subroutines
and functions in my module.

Is this the best way to do this? I figured that it would be better to
have everyone share one Streamwriter object than reinstantiating it
tens of thousands of times. If I call a Dispose won't it destroy my
Streamwriter object?


Here's a complete logfile class written in VB 2005.

Option Explicit On
Option Compare Text
Option Strict On

Module LogInstance
Public logs as New LogFile
End Module

Public Class LogFile
Implements IDisposable

Private BaseFile As String = "" ' Contains all but the log file date and
Private FileName As String = "" ' Contains the actual file that is being
Private Opened As Date ' When did this log file open
Private Const LogFileEntryDTStamp As String = "yyyyMMdd"
Private Const LogFileNameDateStamp As String = "yyyyMMdd"
Private ts As StreamWriter ' Internal file control

' Protect multiple threads performing simultaneous writes to this log
Private LockWriteMessage As New System.Threading.SynchronizationContext
Public UseVersion As Boolean = True ' Controls version portion of file
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal fName As String)
Name = fName
End Sub

Public Property Name() As String
Return FileName
End Get
Set(ByVal FileBase As String)
' Parse the FileBase into the path and base part of the
filename. Usually, FileBase will be the application name
If InStr(FileBase, "\") = 0 Then
BaseFile = Environ$("LogDir") ' In our
corporate environment, the Domain defines this via Group Policy
If BaseFile = "" Then BaseFile = "c:"
BaseFile = TrailSlash(BaseFile) & My.Application.Info.Title
BaseFile = Left$(FileBase, InStrRev(FileBase, "\") - 1)
FileBase = Mid$(FileBase, InStrRev(FileBase, "\") + 1)
End If

' BaseFile now contains the directory; ensure it exists
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(BaseFile) Then
' Check for versioning and add it if required
If UseVersion AndAlso InStr(FileBase, " v.") = 0 Then FileBase
+= " v." & My.Application.Info.Version.ToString()

#If DEBUG Then
FileBase += " - DEBUG "
#End If

' Set basefile to be the entire file except for the date; this
will potentially change on every open
BaseFile = TrailSlash(BaseFile) & FileBase & " - " &
UCase$(Environ$("USERNAME")) & " on " & UCase$(My.Computer.Name) + " - "
' FileName will be the complete log file name
FileName = BaseFile & Today.ToString(LogFileNameDateStamp) &

' Open it and set the opened date to today; used by ReOpen
ts = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(FileName, True,
Opened = Today
' Log the fact that we opened the log file
WriteLog(TypeName(Me) & " '" & FileName & "' Opened")
End Set
End Property

Public Sub WriteLog(Optional ByVal Message As String = "")
' Remove trailing spaces and tabs as they are simply wasted file
Message = Message.TrimEnd(" "c, CChar(vbTab), CChar(vbBack),
CChar(vbCr), CChar(vbLf), CChar(vbFormFeed), CChar(vbNullChar),
' All writes to the logfile must complete before another thread can
SyncLock LockWriteMessage
If FileName = "" Then Name = My.Application.Info.Title Else
If Message <> "" Then
ts.WriteLine(Now.ToString(LogFileEntryDTStamp) & vbTab &
' Since there is no reason to flush empty lines, I chose not
to set the AutoFlush property to True.
End If
End SyncLock
End Sub

' Check for change of day. This way the logfile for this application
will reopen automatically the first time it is written to on a new day.
' A side effect of this is that if you start and stop the same program
multiple times in the same day, the logfile will be appended to during the
' This is why I implemented the IDisposable interface.
Public Sub ReOpen()
If FileName <> "" AndAlso Opened.Date <> Today Then
SyncLock LockWriteMessage
Opened = Today
FileName = BaseFile & Today.ToString(LogFileNameDateStamp) &
WriteLog("Day Change Closure")
WriteLog("Log File Closing; new logfile '" & FileName & "'
being opened")
ts = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(FileName,
True, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII)
WriteLog(TypeName(Me) & " '" & FileName & "' Opened after
Day Change")
End SyncLock
End If
End Sub

Public Function Close() As String
Dim fName As String = FileName
If fName <> "" Then ts.Close()
FileName = ""
Return fName
End Function

#Region " IDisposable Support "
Private disposedValue As Boolean = False ' To detect redundant calls
' IDisposable
Protected Overridable Sub Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)
Const msgDisposing As String = "Logfile being Garbage Collected"
If FileName <> "" Then
Catch ex As Exception
' The framework GC tends to dispose the internal
streamwriter before the class IDisposable interface is called. If you don't
care about this final message
' you can dump the entire IDispose interface.
SyncLock LockWriteMessage
Dim tsClosing As StreamWriter =
My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileWriter(FileName, True,
tsClosing.WriteLine(Now.ToString(LogFileEntryDTStamp) &
vbTab & msgDisposing)
End SyncLock
End Try
End If
Me.disposedValue = True
End Sub

' This code added by Visual Basic to correctly implement the disposable
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
' Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in Dispose(ByVal disposing
As Boolean) above.
End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
On Error Resume Next ' We don't really care that there is an
error, but we don't want this to crash either
End Sub
#End Region
End Class