I have a fairly simple query that needs to take 2 memo
fields and mid$() them into 32 component parts of 250
characters each (16 parts per memo). When I do this, I get
a message 'This form or report is based on a query that
exceeds the limit for data in a single record'. I am not
aware of what limit it is referring to and neither Access'
help nor the Knowledge Base at microsoft.com provides any
reference to this message. If anyone is familiar with this
message and can provide some insight as to how to get past
it, that would be very helpful. Thanks.
fields and mid$() them into 32 component parts of 250
characters each (16 parts per memo). When I do this, I get
a message 'This form or report is based on a query that
exceeds the limit for data in a single record'. I am not
aware of what limit it is referring to and neither Access'
help nor the Knowledge Base at microsoft.com provides any
reference to this message. If anyone is familiar with this
message and can provide some insight as to how to get past
it, that would be very helpful. Thanks.