Limit Db to one person at a time?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andre Laplume via
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Andre Laplume via

Is there a way to limit the the db to being open to only 1 person at a
time. How would you do this? What would happen when the second person
tried to get in?

Thanks Again!
I suspect you have a common backend Db and several frontends. But what is the
use of locking out the users if you distributed the frontend?? If you want
only one user locked, use the BE db and only one frontend.

Why would you want to?

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

We get report requests. I was reposonsible for running these. Essentially
the db is nothing more than a large table of data details. I created a few
forms that prompt for things like date ranges and selection codes. I enter
the values I want, I hit: GO and whatever I selected is parsed into a
report table. Then a report is opened (that looks at the report table). I
print the report.

This worked so well we decided we wanted to 'give' it to the users. The db
was not written for multiple users front end or back end etc.
That could be done down the road but right now the there are select few
users making would not warrant the time to spiffy up the
db. So the real solution is just to make sure that only one person can
open it at a time.

This is not a very sophisticated db...just meant to be a quick way to let
one person at a time run a report. The user base right now may be 6 people
who request the reports once per day if that.

So, is there something I can do so that when the first person opens the db
it opens exclusively?
no front end or backend. This sucker was designed just for me. It has one
big table. I created forms that prompt for criteria. It parses the data
out of the big table into a report table. It opens a report (which looks
at the report table)

I want to give the db to a few users (maybe 6). I do not want to modify
anything but rather just have it so it opens exclusive to whoever gets it
first. If it ever got so popular that folks were fighting over it then I'd
have to make some modifications but for now it would not be worth the time.

I just want the db to open exclusively when opened.

The simple answer is to split the database usingthe Database Splitter Wizard
(Tools menu --> Database Utilities).

To force the database to open exclusively, Tools --> Options --> Advanced
tab --> Default Open Mode.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia

I am usure about the spliiting thing; I assume that is one option.

I just tried the toold Options Advanced then checked EXCLUSIVE. I shut the
db. I repopen it. I then had someone else try and they were able to open
it as well.......ideas?

(I went back and checked the setting, entered the db password, wnet to
tools - options - advanced...says DEFAULT OPEN MODE = EXCLUSIVE.

I'd assume it would only let one person in a a time......?

Strange!! Oh well. You can create a desktop shortcut. I assume you know how
to do that, so I won't bother with the procedure, but once you have a
shortcut to the database, right-click it and select Properties from the
context menu.

To the left of the database path in the Target field, add the path to
msaccess.exe. Be sure to enclose the entire path in quotes. Then to the
right of the database path, add the following:

Make sure there's a space between each entry. The entire string would look
something like this:
"c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office 11\msaccess.exe"
"z:\somefolder\mydb.mdb" /excl

You can check the online help for all the available command-line switches,
by entering "command line" in the search box.

Another option may be to modify the code found at to check if more than
one user is logged into the database, and if so, issue Application.Quit.

Graham R Seach
Microsoft Access MVP
Sydney, Australia