I have developped an application used by Windows Forms (.NET) at Visual C++
..NET v2003. I would like to limit my application to one instance working at a
moment. More than one working application is not allowed. I am requesting
help about this question.
I found 2 article at KnowledgeBase, which are Article ID : 243953 (How to
limit 32-bit applications to one instance in Visual C++) and Article ID :
238100 - (How to limit 32-Bit MFC SDI applications to a single instance on
WinCE). Unfortunately, these two articles are not fitted for my purpose and
required because of Windows Forms (.NET).
Thank you very much in advance.
İyi Çalışmalar
Alper AKÇAYÖZ (Bil Muh)
Wish You Good Work
Alper AKCAYOZ (Bil Muh)
I have developped an application used by Windows Forms (.NET) at Visual C++
..NET v2003. I would like to limit my application to one instance working at a
moment. More than one working application is not allowed. I am requesting
help about this question.
I found 2 article at KnowledgeBase, which are Article ID : 243953 (How to
limit 32-bit applications to one instance in Visual C++) and Article ID :
238100 - (How to limit 32-Bit MFC SDI applications to a single instance on
WinCE). Unfortunately, these two articles are not fitted for my purpose and
required because of Windows Forms (.NET).
Thank you very much in advance.
İyi Çalışmalar
Alper AKÇAYÖZ (Bil Muh)
Wish You Good Work
Alper AKCAYOZ (Bil Muh)