Make sure that you are logged in as administrator or administrato
privlages, otherwise you wont be able to unsinstall software, bu
removing limewire should be simple. Navage through your start men
untill y ou get to the limewire folder.
Click on uninstall and when you get to the uninstal path make sure tha
you have the right location selected for limewire, usually "C:\Progra
Files\LimeWire\" bacuse in my case my limewire.exe is store
"C:\Program Files\LimeWire\LimeWire.exe"
Your situation should be similar, if not dont worry im using limewir
pro 4.10.5, but thats the general idear.
If that fails use windows uninstaller, from within the controll panne
click add remove programs. Same for win 9x I belive.
And about the viruses, this is offten a hot topic between p2p user
saying that limewire gave me a virus, kazza gave me a virus, bi
torrent is bad it gives you spyware and whatever. This is completle
untrue unless you click on some for advertising programs whil
installing. You would have piced up a virus from downloading fro
another P2P user not from the program. The program is genrally saf
aslong as you scann .exe .scr .msi files before you run them.
Hope this helps, good luck!