Windows XP Limewire Problem - Please Help

Captain Jack Sparrow

Jul 1, 2007
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Is there anyone in this forum that uses Limewire an has a solutuion to this -

I can't download anything, I get

Connecting (# of hosts tried) then it will say
Need more sources then I will click FIND SOURCES
Then it will wait for sources then it will say
Awaiting Sources

What in the world is wrong?

I use a Sky broadband wireless router, Internet comes through the LAN port
Where are you trying to download from with the Limewire ?
You probably have a firewall enabled, it may even be the Windows one if you're using XP, disable the firewall and try again.

Once you've finished using your P2P proggie, don't forget to enable firewall again.

That is one possible solution, it could be another factor but there ya go, try that.

It could be as simple that you're looking for something nobody is hosting, but that's unlikely.
I'm trying to download music.

It has only happened since the internet went down and I reset the router.
I am connected to the internet, I could see web pages fine.
The only firewall I have is Windows Firewall in the LAN, which hasn't affected Limewire since the connection went down.