Limewire on Ubuntu


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
I am trying to install Limewire on a friends laptop and having dependancy issues with sun java jdk and jre. The operating system is Ubuntu 10.04 and is fully updated with restrictied extra's. Is there something that needs to be configured? I have never installed Limewire on my machine hence the question.
No Limewire experience here either. But let's have a look-see. First, there is this tidbit:

But if it's gotta be Limewire... according to this...

... there is a .deb package available. Which I assume you have used. And – again, I assume – that GDebi is compiling about not being able to provide the Sun Java Packages.

If that's the case, do this first:

(If you prefer the "GUI way", use Synaptic instead of apt-get. ALSO: remove ALL the icedtea and openjdk packages that might be installed.)

NOW install Limewire (eek!).
My friend who I am helping with this is a new convert to Linux as of yesterday. I guided her to install Linux and she is happy with the change. I also got her registered here at PC Review so she could get help when she needs it.

The funny thing is that when I created this thread I had already told her that I am sure Urmas would respond to this post and that is exactly what happened. :D I also told her that this forum is one of the best place on the web.

She will be following your valuable guidance and hopefully try out the Frostwire.


I am sure you are following up on this thread so go ahead and do as Urmas says and come back and tell us what your experience with Frostwire is. :)