Like Statement

  • Thread starter Thread starter James
  • Start date Start date


Hello I have a LIKE statment in my query which looks
something like this:

LIKE [Please select a Gender (MALE/FEMALE)]

Which works It pops up a paramiter value and you type in
Male or female and it pulls out teh relevant records..

I do the same with a field called Active (this is a
checkbox with teh value's as true or false). So again I do
the same thing:

LIKE [Please select if the client is active (TRUE/FALSE)]

And it seems to do nothing does anyone have any ideas why
this would do what it does?

Many Thanks

The Like operator is intended for partial match of text.
Your Yes/No field have have the values -1 (for true) and 0 (for false), and
cannot match the text you are typing into the box.

Change the Criteria row to something like this:
Then declare this paramater (Parameters on Query menu in query design) by
entering the name IsActive and the type as Yes/No.

If you still can't get it to work, when the Enter Parameter dialog pops up,
try entering -1 (for true), or 0 (for false).
OR you could do something like the following, instead of the LIKE

= IIF([Please select if the client is active (TRUE/FALSE)] =
"True", -1, 0)


Dale Fye

The Like operator is intended for partial match of text.
Your Yes/No field have have the values -1 (for true) and 0 (for
false), and
cannot match the text you are typing into the box.

Change the Criteria row to something like this:
Then declare this paramater (Parameters on Query menu in query design)
entering the name IsActive and the type as Yes/No.

If you still can't get it to work, when the Enter Parameter dialog
pops up,
try entering -1 (for true), or 0 (for false).