Hello I have a LIKE statment in my query which looks
something like this:
LIKE [Please select a Gender (MALE/FEMALE)]
Which works It pops up a paramiter value and you type in
Male or female and it pulls out teh relevant records..
I do the same with a field called Active (this is a
checkbox with teh value's as true or false). So again I do
the same thing:
LIKE [Please select if the client is active (TRUE/FALSE)]
And it seems to do nothing does anyone have any ideas why
this would do what it does?
Many Thanks
something like this:
LIKE [Please select a Gender (MALE/FEMALE)]
Which works It pops up a paramiter value and you type in
Male or female and it pulls out teh relevant records..
I do the same with a field called Active (this is a
checkbox with teh value's as true or false). So again I do
the same thing:
LIKE [Please select if the client is active (TRUE/FALSE)]
And it seems to do nothing does anyone have any ideas why
this would do what it does?
Many Thanks