Like most hard core criminals like Jeff Bond ([email protected])
AKA Alan P ([email protected] AKA Frank he thinks he is smarter
then everyone but thats why they end up on amw.com on the run
from the cops and most the time in a body bag Like most hard core
criminals like jeff bond who is a washed up fire boy who has enter
the life of crime: Day & Night Stalker, mail theft, Auto theft,
harassment phones calls, cyberstalking, Vandalism and more pls.
email me for the jeff bond crimes on cd.
AKA Alan P ([email protected] AKA Frank he thinks he is smarter
then everyone but thats why they end up on amw.com on the run
from the cops and most the time in a body bag Like most hard core
criminals like jeff bond who is a washed up fire boy who has enter
the life of crime: Day & Night Stalker, mail theft, Auto theft,
harassment phones calls, cyberstalking, Vandalism and more pls.
email me for the jeff bond crimes on cd.