I have a query to get data from Access table.
It looks at the product code and checks against a table to see if there is a
match. If there is, it flags it as commercial and returns true. Else returns
FROM tbl_Comm_FBO
WHERE (((tbl_Comm_FBO.ICAO)='EGHH') AND ((tbl_Comm_FBO.CommFBO) Like
Then I do further processing if it is not commercial.
One of the entry is "EXXONMOBIL" and that is not commercial, but the above
query marks it as such. It marks two entries as commercial. One correctly and
another not.
Does anyone know how do I fix the query so it does not.
It looks at the product code and checks against a table to see if there is a
match. If there is, it flags it as commercial and returns true. Else returns
FROM tbl_Comm_FBO
WHERE (((tbl_Comm_FBO.ICAO)='EGHH') AND ((tbl_Comm_FBO.CommFBO) Like
Then I do further processing if it is not commercial.
One of the entry is "EXXONMOBIL" and that is not commercial, but the above
query marks it as such. It marks two entries as commercial. One correctly and
another not.
Does anyone know how do I fix the query so it does not.