Like Expression in Query

  • Thread starter Thread starter S Jackson
  • Start date Start date

S Jackson

I have the following expression in my Query:

Like Eval("InputBox$(""Enter first part of case name, e.g. New
Hope"",""Search Cases"")") & "*"

However, I am trying to design a database for multiple users and although
the above expression works great, but if the user does not make an entry
into the InputBox or enters information that does not match a record, the
form opens up blank. I am afraid this will confuse some users and would
like to have a message box come up instead advising the user that there are
not matching entries. I don't think I can do this with a query, can I?

So the alternative was to create a dialog form with VB code, but the SQL is
so long and complicated - ugh!

I started by creating a dialog form and inserting a text box called

I want the user to enter part of the text he is searching for in txtSearch
and then click OK. Under the onclick event for the OK button I tried
beginning with the following (Note I have not built the If -no records found
statement yet). I cut and pasted my SQL from my original parameter query and
modified the WHERE clause (I haven't added the & "*" because I am not sure
of the proper syntax). Anway, I thought I would start here and try to get
this working first, but I am getting a syntax error. I am pretty sure it is
in the WHERE statement, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas anyone?

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaselkp"

stLinkCriteria = "SELECT tblCaseInfo.CaseName, tblStatus.ClosedDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSNo, " _
& " tlbCaseInfo.SOAHNo, tblCaseInfo.Region, tblCaseInfo.NoticeDate,
tblCaseInfo.Fieldofc, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.AppealDate, tblCaseInfo.AssignDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSAttny, tblCaseInfo.Asstnt, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Vendor, tblCaseInfo.Facility,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetAddy, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetCity, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetState, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetZip,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetPh, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetFax, tblCaseInfo.Owner, tblCaseInfo.RepID,
tblCaseInfo.Program, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Action, tblCaseInfo.Amt, tblCaseInfo.Rate1,
tblCaseInfo.Start1, tblCaseInfo.End1, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Rate2, tblCaseInfo.Start2, tblCaseInfo.End2,
tblCaseInfo.Sanction, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Surveys, tblCaseInfo.IDR, tblCaseInfo.TAC,
tblCaseInfo.ViolationDescrip, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Comment, tblRepresentatives, tblStatus.StatusRptNotes,
tblStatus.BankruptyEntity, " _
& " tblStatus.BankruptDate, tblStatus.Bankruptcy, tblStatus.Disposition,
" _
& " tblStatus.CSAAmt, tblStatus.BoxNo, tblRegion.SUBOFC, tblRegion.PM, "
& " tblRegion.PMPH, tblRegion.Ext, tblRegion.Region, " _
& " FROM ((tblRepresentatives RIGHT JOIN tblCaseInfo ON
tblRepresentatives.ID = tblCaseInfo.RepID), " _
& " LEFT JOIN tblRegion ON tblCaseInfo.FieldOfc = tblRegion.ID) LEFT
JOIN tblStatus ON tblCaseInfo.DHSNo = tblStatus.DHSNo, " _
& " WHERE tblCaseInfo.CaseName LIKE " & Me.txtSearch & "" _
& " AND tblStatus.ClosedDate Is Null, " _
& " ORDER BY tblCaseInfo.CaseName; "

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
I tried a different approach, hoping this one is simplier:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaseLkp"

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Now, how can I make this so that the user does not have to type the exact
CaseName, but only part of the name (typing "New Hope" with give you all
records with "New Hope" text contained in that field) ??

Here is what I want:
Like [txtSearch] & "*"

S Jackson
Hello Shelly,

Would the following work?

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & Chr(34) & "*" & Me!txtSearch & "*" &

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

S Jackson said:
I tried a different approach, hoping this one is simplier:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaseLkp"

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Now, how can I make this so that the user does not have to type the exact
CaseName, but only part of the name (typing "New Hope" with give you all
records with "New Hope" text contained in that field) ??

Here is what I want:
Like [txtSearch] & "*"

S Jackson
S Jackson said:
I have the following expression in my Query:

Like Eval("InputBox$(""Enter first part of case name, e.g. New
Hope"",""Search Cases"")") & "*"

However, I am trying to design a database for multiple users and although
the above expression works great, but if the user does not make an entry
into the InputBox or enters information that does not match a record, the
form opens up blank. I am afraid this will confuse some users and would
like to have a message box come up instead advising the user that there are
not matching entries. I don't think I can do this with a query, can I?

So the alternative was to create a dialog form with VB code, but the SQL is
so long and complicated - ugh!

I started by creating a dialog form and inserting a text box called

I want the user to enter part of the text he is searching for in txtSearch
and then click OK. Under the onclick event for the OK button I tried
beginning with the following (Note I have not built the If -no records found
statement yet). I cut and pasted my SQL from my original parameter query and
modified the WHERE clause (I haven't added the & "*" because I am not sure
of the proper syntax). Anway, I thought I would start here and try to get
this working first, but I am getting a syntax error. I am pretty sure
in the WHERE statement, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas anyone?

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaselkp"

stLinkCriteria = "SELECT tblCaseInfo.CaseName, tblStatus.ClosedDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSNo, " _
& " tlbCaseInfo.SOAHNo, tblCaseInfo.Region, tblCaseInfo.NoticeDate,
tblCaseInfo.Fieldofc, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.AppealDate, tblCaseInfo.AssignDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSAttny, tblCaseInfo.Asstnt, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Vendor, tblCaseInfo.Facility,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetAddy, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetCity, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetState, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetZip,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetPh, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetFax, tblCaseInfo.Owner, tblCaseInfo.RepID,
tblCaseInfo.Program, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Action, tblCaseInfo.Amt, tblCaseInfo.Rate1,
tblCaseInfo.Start1, tblCaseInfo.End1, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Rate2, tblCaseInfo.Start2, tblCaseInfo.End2,
tblCaseInfo.Sanction, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Surveys, tblCaseInfo.IDR, tblCaseInfo.TAC,
tblCaseInfo.ViolationDescrip, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Comment, tblRepresentatives, tblStatus.StatusRptNotes,
tblStatus.BankruptyEntity, " _
& " tblStatus.BankruptDate, tblStatus.Bankruptcy, tblStatus.Disposition,
" _
& " tblStatus.CSAAmt, tblStatus.BoxNo, tblRegion.SUBOFC,
& " tblRegion.PMPH, tblRegion.Ext, tblRegion.Region, " _
& " FROM ((tblRepresentatives RIGHT JOIN tblCaseInfo ON
tblRepresentatives.ID = tblCaseInfo.RepID), " _
& " LEFT JOIN tblRegion ON tblCaseInfo.FieldOfc = tblRegion.ID) LEFT
JOIN tblStatus ON tblCaseInfo.DHSNo = tblStatus.DHSNo, " _
& " WHERE tblCaseInfo.CaseName LIKE " & Me.txtSearch & "" _
& " AND tblStatus.ClosedDate Is Null, " _
& " ORDER BY tblCaseInfo.CaseName; "

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Hi Cheryl:

I could not get it to work, but here is what DID work:

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]Like" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "*" & "'"

Now, next question:

How do I build an if statement that says:

If stDocName is Blank Then MsgBox "No records found. Please try again."

StDocName is the name of my form that opens after user enters criteria.

S Jackson

P.S. Something to do with RecordSet???

Cheryl Fischer said:
Hello Shelly,

Would the following work?

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & Chr(34) & "*" & Me!txtSearch & "*" &

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

S Jackson said:
I tried a different approach, hoping this one is simplier:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaseLkp"

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Now, how can I make this so that the user does not have to type the exact
CaseName, but only part of the name (typing "New Hope" with give you all
records with "New Hope" text contained in that field) ??

Here is what I want:
Like [txtSearch] & "*"

S Jackson
S Jackson said:
I have the following expression in my Query:

Like Eval("InputBox$(""Enter first part of case name, e.g. New
Hope"",""Search Cases"")") & "*"

However, I am trying to design a database for multiple users and although
the above expression works great, but if the user does not make an entry
into the InputBox or enters information that does not match a record, the
form opens up blank. I am afraid this will confuse some users and would
like to have a message box come up instead advising the user that
not matching entries. I don't think I can do this with a query, can I?

So the alternative was to create a dialog form with VB code, but the
so long and complicated - ugh!

I started by creating a dialog form and inserting a text box called

I want the user to enter part of the text he is searching for in txtSearch
and then click OK. Under the onclick event for the OK button I tried
beginning with the following (Note I have not built the If -no records found
statement yet). I cut and pasted my SQL from my original parameter
modified the WHERE clause (I haven't added the & "*" because I am not sure
of the proper syntax). Anway, I thought I would start here and try to get
this working first, but I am getting a syntax error. I am pretty sure
in the WHERE statement, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas anyone?

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaselkp"

stLinkCriteria = "SELECT tblCaseInfo.CaseName, tblStatus.ClosedDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSNo, " _
& " tlbCaseInfo.SOAHNo, tblCaseInfo.Region, tblCaseInfo.NoticeDate,
tblCaseInfo.Fieldofc, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.AppealDate, tblCaseInfo.AssignDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSAttny, tblCaseInfo.Asstnt, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Vendor, tblCaseInfo.Facility,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetAddy, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetCity, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetState, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetZip,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetPh, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetFax, tblCaseInfo.Owner, tblCaseInfo.RepID,
tblCaseInfo.Program, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Action, tblCaseInfo.Amt, tblCaseInfo.Rate1,
tblCaseInfo.Start1, tblCaseInfo.End1, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Rate2, tblCaseInfo.Start2, tblCaseInfo.End2,
tblCaseInfo.Sanction, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Surveys, tblCaseInfo.IDR, tblCaseInfo.TAC,
tblCaseInfo.ViolationDescrip, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Comment, tblRepresentatives, tblStatus.StatusRptNotes,
tblStatus.BankruptyEntity, " _
& " tblStatus.BankruptDate, tblStatus.Bankruptcy, tblStatus.Disposition,
" _
& " tblStatus.CSAAmt, tblStatus.BoxNo, tblRegion.SUBOFC,
& " tblRegion.PMPH, tblRegion.Ext, tblRegion.Region, " _
& " FROM ((tblRepresentatives RIGHT JOIN tblCaseInfo ON
tblRepresentatives.ID = tblCaseInfo.RepID), " _
& " LEFT JOIN tblRegion ON tblCaseInfo.FieldOfc = tblRegion.ID) LEFT
JOIN tblStatus ON tblCaseInfo.DHSNo = tblStatus.DHSNo, " _
& " WHERE tblCaseInfo.CaseName LIKE " & Me.txtSearch & "" _
& " AND tblStatus.ClosedDate Is Null, " _
& " ORDER BY tblCaseInfo.CaseName; "

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
You could use something like the following (untested) in the Open event of
your form, frmCaseLkp

if Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount=0 then
MsgBox "No records found - try again."
MsgBox "The database found " _
& Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount _
& " cases.", vbInformation, "Record Count"
End if

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

S Jackson said:
Hi Cheryl:

I could not get it to work, but here is what DID work:

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]Like" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "*" & "'"

Now, next question:

How do I build an if statement that says:

If stDocName is Blank Then MsgBox "No records found. Please try again."

StDocName is the name of my form that opens after user enters criteria.

S Jackson

P.S. Something to do with RecordSet???

Cheryl Fischer said:
Hello Shelly,

Would the following work?

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & Chr(34) & "*" & Me!txtSearch & "*" &

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

S Jackson said:
I tried a different approach, hoping this one is simplier:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaseLkp"

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Now, how can I make this so that the user does not have to type the exact
CaseName, but only part of the name (typing "New Hope" with give you all
records with "New Hope" text contained in that field) ??

Here is what I want:
Like [txtSearch] & "*"

S Jackson
I have the following expression in my Query:

Like Eval("InputBox$(""Enter first part of case name, e.g. New
Hope"",""Search Cases"")") & "*"

However, I am trying to design a database for multiple users and although
the above expression works great, but if the user does not make an entry
into the InputBox or enters information that does not match a
form opens up blank. I am afraid this will confuse some users and would
like to have a message box come up instead advising the user that there
not matching entries. I don't think I can do this with a query, can I?

So the alternative was to create a dialog form with VB code, but the SQL
so long and complicated - ugh!

I started by creating a dialog form and inserting a text box called

I want the user to enter part of the text he is searching for in txtSearch
and then click OK. Under the onclick event for the OK button I tried
beginning with the following (Note I have not built the If -no records
statement yet). I cut and pasted my SQL from my original parameter query
modified the WHERE clause (I haven't added the & "*" because I am
of the proper syntax). Anway, I thought I would start here and try
this working first, but I am getting a syntax error. I am pretty
in the WHERE statement, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas anyone?

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaselkp"

stLinkCriteria = "SELECT tblCaseInfo.CaseName, tblStatus.ClosedDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSNo, " _
& " tlbCaseInfo.SOAHNo, tblCaseInfo.Region, tblCaseInfo.NoticeDate,
tblCaseInfo.Fieldofc, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.AppealDate, tblCaseInfo.AssignDate,
tblCaseInfo.DHSAttny, tblCaseInfo.Asstnt, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Vendor, tblCaseInfo.Facility,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetAddy, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetCity, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetState, tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetZip,
tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetPh, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Facility-PetFax, tblCaseInfo.Owner, tblCaseInfo.RepID,
tblCaseInfo.Program, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Action, tblCaseInfo.Amt, tblCaseInfo.Rate1,
tblCaseInfo.Start1, tblCaseInfo.End1, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Rate2, tblCaseInfo.Start2, tblCaseInfo.End2,
tblCaseInfo.Sanction, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Surveys, tblCaseInfo.IDR, tblCaseInfo.TAC,
tblCaseInfo.ViolationDescrip, " _
& " tblCaseInfo.Comment, tblRepresentatives, tblStatus.StatusRptNotes,
tblStatus.BankruptyEntity, " _
& " tblStatus.BankruptDate, tblStatus.Bankruptcy,
" _
& " tblStatus.CSAAmt, tblStatus.BoxNo, tblRegion.SUBOFC, tblRegion.PM,
& " tblRegion.PMPH, tblRegion.Ext, tblRegion.Region, " _
& " FROM ((tblRepresentatives RIGHT JOIN tblCaseInfo ON
tblRepresentatives.ID = tblCaseInfo.RepID), " _
& " LEFT JOIN tblRegion ON tblCaseInfo.FieldOfc = tblRegion.ID) LEFT
JOIN tblStatus ON tblCaseInfo.DHSNo = tblStatus.DHSNo, " _
& " WHERE tblCaseInfo.CaseName LIKE " & Me.txtSearch & "" _
& " AND tblStatus.ClosedDate Is Null, " _
& " ORDER BY tblCaseInfo.CaseName; "

DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
If I entered text that does not find a record, I get an error executing

So I moved that line to the first statement under Else.

And, if user will see a message box telling him they found 0 records, but
the Form, frmCaselkp, opens up blank. I want to avoid this. So I changed
the code and it looks like this now:

If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No records found - Please try again."
MsgBox "The database found " _
& Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount _
& " cases.", vbInformation, "Record Count"
End If

Thanks for you help!!!! (AGAIN!)

S. Jackson

Cheryl Fischer said:
You could use something like the following (untested) in the Open event of
your form, frmCaseLkp

if Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount=0 then
MsgBox "No records found - try again."
MsgBox "The database found " _
& Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount _
& " cases.", vbInformation, "Record Count"
End if

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

S Jackson said:
Hi Cheryl:

I could not get it to work, but here is what DID work:

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]Like" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "*" & "'"

Now, next question:

How do I build an if statement that says:

If stDocName is Blank Then MsgBox "No records found. Please try again."

StDocName is the name of my form that opens after user enters criteria.

S Jackson

P.S. Something to do with RecordSet???

Cheryl Fischer said:
Hello Shelly,

Would the following work?

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & Chr(34) & "*" & Me!txtSearch & "*" &

Cheryl Fischer
Law/Sys Associates
Houston, TX

I tried a different approach, hoping this one is simplier:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmCaseLkp"

stLinkCriteria = "[CaseName]=" & "'" & Me![txtSearch] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Now, how can I make this so that the user does not have to type the exact
CaseName, but only part of the name (typing "New Hope" with give you all
records with "New Hope" text contained in that field) ??

Here is what I want:
Like [txtSearch] & "*"

S Jackson
I have the following expression in my Query:

Like Eval("InputBox$(""Enter first part of case name, e.g. New
Hope"",""Search Cases"")") & "*"

However, I am trying to design a database for multiple users and
the above expression works great, but if the user does not make an entry
into the InputBox or enters information that does not match a record,
form opens up blank. I am afraid this will confuse some users and would
like to have a message box come up instead advising the user that there
not matching entries. I don't think I can do this with a query,
So the alternative was to create a dialog form with VB code, but
so long and complicated - ugh!

I started by creating a dialog form and inserting a text box called

I want the user to enter part of the text he is searching for in
and then click OK. Under the onclick event for the OK button I tried
beginning with the following (Note I have not built the If -no records
statement yet). I cut and pasted my SQL from my original parameter query
modified the WHERE clause (I haven't added the & "*" because I am not
of the proper syntax). Anway, I thought I would start here and
to tblRegion.ID)