Light bulb moment!


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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The age-old problem of how to cook the perfect boiled egg may have been solved - simply do away with the boiling water.

A British inventor, Simon Rhymes, has created a machine that uses light bulbs to cook the egg and lops the top off at exactly the right height for toast soldier dunking.

Mr Rhymes, 23, dreamt up the Bulbed Egg Maker (BEM) while studying project design at Bournemouth University. "I thought that boiling an egg was rather labour intensive for the rewards you get," he said. "I read that light bulbs gave off so much heat it might be more energy efficient to leave lights on in the house to heat it rather than using central heating.

"I started to experiment and cooked an egg under a table lamp and that took about half an hour.

"Then I came across the halogen lights and adapted them to put in the BEM. I experimented with about 600 eggs. I got sick of testing them but now I can produce the perfect boiled egg every time."

The egg is lowered into the 30cm (12in) high glass and metal machine, which has four halogen bulbs. In six minutes it produces an egg with a yolk runny enough for toast soldiers. The time can be altered for a softer or harder result.

Once the egg is done the top is cut off at a circumference of 40mm (1.5in), which Mr Rhymes, from Chippenham, Wiltshire, has calculated is wide enough for soldiers.

He has patented the idea and is in talks with manufacturers. "Hopefully the machine will become a common household item like a toaster," he said.
Huh!! :confused:

He made a 3min egg in 6min ... am I missing something here ...

I don't believe that he's really going to make his fortune this way. :D,,1892505,00.html
He made a 3min egg in 6min ... am I missing something here ... :lol:

We-ell... I think it might depend upon whether you prefer to boil your egg by popping it into a pan of already boiling water ... or whether you boil it from cold, in which case it probably takes a few minutes to actually come to the boil :p Hmmm ... wonder what Delia Smith would think
Taffycat said:
We-ell... I think it might depend upon whether you prefer to boil your egg by popping it into a pan of already boiling water ... or whether you boil it from cold, in which case it probably takes a few minutes to actually come to the boil :p Hmmm ... wonder what Delia Smith would think
ah, the 'white egg cook' ... sensible woman that one.

Actually, I use the kettle ... I have never stored eggs in a fridge, so they are at the correct temp anyway ... my eggs take 2.5mins ... I like 'em that way. :D

Soldiers are another thing ... do you cut the toast lengthways or crosswise? how wide should they be? butter before or after slicing? (anyone who uses "spread" needs to see a Dr) :thumb:

Soldiers are another thing ... do you cut the toast lengthways or crosswise? how wide should they be? butter before or after slicing?

Just so long as the little golden troopers don't mind getting their boots wet when they're dunked in the yolk, ... I don't mind 'em tall, short, fat or thin
just nice and fresh ... sigh ... now I'm feeling hungry!! :D
I use a microwave for my eggs... only takes a cm of water... like 50/50 (semi-soft) just right for buttered eggs. Just set the time & out they come ;)
But John likes his with soldiers & they've gotta be put in at the exact right time when the little bubbles are comming up off the bottom of the pan... & the bubbles have to be the right size. Then 3 mins (room temperature egg) with nice buttered soldiers... not that he's fussy or anything.
In all the times I've made him breakfast-in-bed I think I've only actually gotten it right once, (although he always says they're great of course). John, on the other hand can achieve close to 100% accuracy.
If he's making me Brekkie-in-bed he usually makes me scrambled eggs (with a secret ingredient of course... I'll figure it out one day!). He personally hates scrambled eggs, yet he makes the best scrambled eggs of anyone I've ever known (I'm hopeless at it) go figure :rolleyes:

Hmmmm.... I think it's contagious Taffy, now I'm feeling hungry :D
"I started to experiment and cooked an egg under a table lamp and that took about half an hour.

Hmmmm not impressed sounds like someone has too much time on their hands...:confused:
have to wonder how many eggs he tested before he found that it took 1/2 an hour?