LifeJournal - Password lockout

Oct 26, 2008
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I purchased a journal software last year called LifeJournal. I used it for quite awhile and at one point changed the password, then changed it again, used it for a month or two, then one day it would not let me in. It shows an hourglass when you input the correct password and just sits there. I have been trying to work with the Ruth Folit and was transferred over to the programmer Lee Jones who says this is an Access program and the ljd file which holds my data and the lja file which holds my user information have gotten out of sync. He says he has to change the password in the lja file to whatever the password is in the ljd file. So far we have been unsuccessful in determining what password I used a few months before it happened. Lee says I might try to find a password unlock program, but so far nothing has worked. I cant even tell what version this is and the programmer is very slow to respond to emails. I am just sick to my stomach that I cannot access my journal which has entries for over a year. This problem happened in May and I have spent hours trying to fix it with no luck at all.

Does anyone have experience with a password glitch between the database and the user files in Access?