Hello and thank you for any and all assistance. I'm working with Plimus and
they have told me that I need to use this XML code to make my program work,
but I don't know XML.
The following is a description of the possible values you will receive as a
response for each XML tag, if the XML tag is optional and what the possible
value signifies:
This tag will always be a part of the response.
The value of STATUS_CODE indicates the status of the submitted key and it
may hold one of the following values:
ERROR_INVALIDKEY Indicates the key supplied is invalid.
ERROR_INVALIDPRODUCT Indicates the product id supplied is invalid.
ERROR_EXPIREDKEY Indicates the key has expired.
ERROR_INVALIDMACHINE Indicates that this key has already been registered
using a different uniqueMachineId
ERROR_MAXCOUNT Indicates the key has already been registered the maximum
number of times allowed and therefore can not be registered again.
SUCCESS Indicates that the key has been registered successfully if the
action=REGISTER parameter was submitted, or that the key is valid if the
action=VALIDATE was submitted.
This tag is optional and will not be included if it is not applicable as in
cases when the key provided is not valid, etc..
DAYS is a positive or negative number marking the number of days until this
key expires (for positive numbers) or the number of days past its expiration
date (negative numbers).
For example:
DAYS=0 indicates it is the last day before expiration
DAYS=N indicates the key will expire in N days
DAYS=-Z indicates the key has expired Z days ago.
This tag is optional and will not be included if it is not applicable as in
cases when the key provided is not valid, etc..
The value of USE indicates the number of times the license has been
registered and its range will be from 0 (not yet registered), to the maximum
number of activations you allow (see above Maximum Use Count field).
I'm getting a response from the server of ERROR_INVALID Key so I know I'm
hitting their server, but what I'm wondering is how do I use this in my code,
when I get the SUCCESS response from the server.
Michael Bragg, President
eSolTec, Inc.
a 501(C)(3) organization
MS Authorized MAR
looking for used laptops for developmentally disabled.
they have told me that I need to use this XML code to make my program work,
but I don't know XML.
The following is a description of the possible values you will receive as a
response for each XML tag, if the XML tag is optional and what the possible
value signifies:
This tag will always be a part of the response.
The value of STATUS_CODE indicates the status of the submitted key and it
may hold one of the following values:
ERROR_INVALIDKEY Indicates the key supplied is invalid.
ERROR_INVALIDPRODUCT Indicates the product id supplied is invalid.
ERROR_EXPIREDKEY Indicates the key has expired.
ERROR_INVALIDMACHINE Indicates that this key has already been registered
using a different uniqueMachineId
ERROR_MAXCOUNT Indicates the key has already been registered the maximum
number of times allowed and therefore can not be registered again.
SUCCESS Indicates that the key has been registered successfully if the
action=REGISTER parameter was submitted, or that the key is valid if the
action=VALIDATE was submitted.
This tag is optional and will not be included if it is not applicable as in
cases when the key provided is not valid, etc..
DAYS is a positive or negative number marking the number of days until this
key expires (for positive numbers) or the number of days past its expiration
date (negative numbers).
For example:
DAYS=0 indicates it is the last day before expiration
DAYS=N indicates the key will expire in N days
DAYS=-Z indicates the key has expired Z days ago.
This tag is optional and will not be included if it is not applicable as in
cases when the key provided is not valid, etc..
The value of USE indicates the number of times the license has been
registered and its range will be from 0 (not yet registered), to the maximum
number of activations you allow (see above Maximum Use Count field).
I'm getting a response from the server of ERROR_INVALID Key so I know I'm
hitting their server, but what I'm wondering is how do I use this in my code,
when I get the SUCCESS response from the server.
Michael Bragg, President
eSolTec, Inc.
a 501(C)(3) organization
MS Authorized MAR
looking for used laptops for developmentally disabled.