Looking for a "Color Lines" game that can be played standalone from a
floppy disk, under Windows.
*** Must be no-install / no registry entries ***
Yes, it's for the office. }:O)
I found a JS version online (below) to show the game I mean.
This is unsuitable since the computer I need it for is not online.
Even a Shockwave Flash version would do -- I can simply create a Flash
projector file from it. Projectors don't write to the registry in any
way, do they? That would sink that idea pretty quick.
(Stupid, goddamn registry... what a retarded concept *that* was!)
floppy disk, under Windows.
*** Must be no-install / no registry entries ***
Yes, it's for the office. }:O)
I found a JS version online (below) to show the game I mean.
This is unsuitable since the computer I need it for is not online.
Even a Shockwave Flash version would do -- I can simply create a Flash
projector file from it. Projectors don't write to the registry in any
way, do they? That would sink that idea pretty quick.
(Stupid, goddamn registry... what a retarded concept *that* was!)