Let Consumers Decide!

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Let consumers decide if they want to enable the hardware abstraction layer or
not! I say this because it seems that the advanced features of many
soundcards are now crippled because they can no longer utilize hardware
acceleration. I don’t care if you give me a pop up each time my system
starts that warns me that HAL-enabled hardware will make my system unstable.
Just let me make the choice.

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" I say this because it seems that the advanced features of many
soundcards are now crippled because they can no longer utilize hardware
acceleration. "

this has more to do with DRM and protected Sound/Video in and output than
with anything else, no matter what Microsoft officials will tell you about
"driver-issues".. don't buy it. It's all about Copy-Protection.

SJ /germany
QuickSil59 said:
Let consumers decide if they want to enable the hardware abstraction layer
not! I say this because it seems that the advanced features of many
soundcards are now crippled because they can no longer utilize hardware
acceleration. I don’t care if you give me a pop up each time my system
starts that warns me that HAL-enabled hardware will make my system
Just let me make the choice.

There are work arounds for this, you can still talk directly to the sound
hardware. Creative if they don't already have an update out will have one
out shortly which will intercept EAX calls and route them through OpenAL I'm
not sure what cards they're going to officially support this for.

Microsoft did change how the sound system works, but they haven't blocked
off hardware acceleration.

Paul Smith,
Yeovil, UK.
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User.

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