(Leo) Error on Form to open report

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I have a form for get the user's criteria for running a report. on that
report, when there is no data (blank), it prompts user that there is no data
, and stops openning the report. But this event (no data on report) causes an
error on my form and the debuger stops on that statment which open the report;
DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName...
I dont why the open report command causes an error when the report is empty??
You could trap the error, something like:

Private Sub cmdRunReport_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdRunReport_Click

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptMyReport", acViewPreview

Exit Sub

' Error 2501 = "Open Report action was canceled" (no records)
If Err.Number = 2501 Then
' Do nothing
Else: msgbox "Error #: " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdRunReport_Click
End If

End Sub

You haven't mentioned the mechanics of how you are opening the report. I
will assume that you have a parameter query, a form (frmParameter) to specify
the criteria, and that the parameter query uses controls on frmParameter as
its criteria, something like is described in Help.
The above example assumes a command button (cmdRunReport) on a form
somewhere. Clicking the command button opens rptMyReport. The On Open event
for the rptMeReport is to open a frmParameter, which prompts for the query
parameters. A command button on frmParameter makes the form invisible, and
the report opens according to the specified parameters. Instead of the
remark 'Do Nothing in the code you could have a message box informing the
user that there are no records. If you need more information you will need
to post more details of how you have this set up.
thank you for your reply,
let me explain more;
On the form, I have also two option buttons that determins which report
should be opened by the DoCmd.OpenReport command. On the other side, on the
NoData event of each report , I have this Sub for showing the user that there
is no data to be shown, and stops openning the report;
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox ("No Data Found!")
Cancel = True
End Sub
this procedure works properly, when the reports is run without a form, but
when I use the form, then that command encounters with an error when it wants
to opent an empty report.
Should I delete this procedure on the report, and insert it somehow on the
form to do the same job?
If I should how?