I have formula:
=VLOOKUP($A11, Target Array,12,False), I copy it down and it works
Occassionally I run into an entry in column A that is long and it won't
work. For instance the entry:
%,NCOMPENSATION Then the formula doesn't return a value.
But if I change the entry by removing the last letter both the column and
the target array:
%,NCOMPENSATIO Then it does return a value (the correct one).
That is happening whenever I find an entry over 14 characters. Is there a
limitation of some sort? Is there a workaround?
=VLOOKUP($A11, Target Array,12,False), I copy it down and it works
Occassionally I run into an entry in column A that is long and it won't
work. For instance the entry:
%,NCOMPENSATION Then the formula doesn't return a value.
But if I change the entry by removing the last letter both the column and
the target array:
%,NCOMPENSATIO Then it does return a value (the correct one).
That is happening whenever I find an entry over 14 characters. Is there a
limitation of some sort? Is there a workaround?