CrKHeD said:
I have more than a few older CPU's. I have several Intel and a few AMD's. IS
there a site where I can find out what they are? Is there a site that would
explain motherboards and CPU's in great detail?
Thanks for your help.
Unless you want to start a museum you might as well donate them to a
grade school that is trying to build computers or toss them. I have seen
complete 486 boards with memory going for $5.00 at garage sales. In 1988
I bought a 25 MHz 386 Mylex super mother board for $1,100., so go figure
out what anything more than a few years old is worth, zilch. You can
build some good DOS game computers for kids with old computers and 13
inch color monitors. There were a lot of Apogee games from 1986 to 1996
that play well on these, and they are still good for basic math and word
processing for homework.
Do a good deed, and be a hero to the kids.
I never throw things out just recycle down the feeding chain.
Bill Baka