I am doing a project to track marketer progress through offices by zip
codes and i am having problems
I have a results table, a feedback table, and a processing table...
The processing table has an ID, a Zipcode, a marketer name, and dates
related to marketers time spent on the zipcode
The feedback table has an officeid, a processingid, a result and
the results table is a lookup table for feedback - there are 7 types
of results, one of which is setup (basically a sale) and others are
followup, wrong address, etc.
So basically the feedback table says "during this processing period,
this office was visited, a result occured, and here are the marketers
I created a query that will show all zip codes listed in the feedback
table and their individual count when result.desc = setup
SELECT Processing.ZipCode, Result.Desc, Count(*) AS [Count Of
FROM Result INNER JOIN (Processing INNER JOIN Feedback ON
Processing.ProcessingID = Feedback.ProcessingID) ON Result.ResultID =
Where result.desc = "setup"
GROUP BY Processing.ZipCode, Result.Desc;
this query works - except if a marketer got zero setups in a zip code,
it doesnt show up. How can I change/add to this query to get it to do
that...I've been reading that a left join would work but when I try
replacing Inner with Left Access tells me "Join type not supported"
Thanks in Advance,
codes and i am having problems
I have a results table, a feedback table, and a processing table...
The processing table has an ID, a Zipcode, a marketer name, and dates
related to marketers time spent on the zipcode
The feedback table has an officeid, a processingid, a result and
the results table is a lookup table for feedback - there are 7 types
of results, one of which is setup (basically a sale) and others are
followup, wrong address, etc.
So basically the feedback table says "during this processing period,
this office was visited, a result occured, and here are the marketers
I created a query that will show all zip codes listed in the feedback
table and their individual count when result.desc = setup
SELECT Processing.ZipCode, Result.Desc, Count(*) AS [Count Of
FROM Result INNER JOIN (Processing INNER JOIN Feedback ON
Processing.ProcessingID = Feedback.ProcessingID) ON Result.ResultID =
Where result.desc = "setup"
GROUP BY Processing.ZipCode, Result.Desc;
this query works - except if a marketer got zero setups in a zip code,
it doesnt show up. How can I change/add to this query to get it to do
that...I've been reading that a left join would work but when I try
replacing Inner with Left Access tells me "Join type not supported"
Thanks in Advance,