LEFT function in report

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Here's a simple one, for those of you who know the answer! I want to display
only the first three letters of the value of the "ProposalStage" field on a
report. Under Control Source, I entered the expression:

=Left([ProposalStage], 3)

It displays a blank field on the report. I've tried it with other fields
and got the same result --- blank. Am I inserting this expression in the
wrong place?
Thank you!
What is in the Name property of this text box?
Its Name must not be the same as the name of any field in the report, e.g.
it must not be named ProposalStage.

You might also check if there is another control named ProposalStage on your
report. If so, and that was unbound or null, this one would correctly be
blank (because the left 3 characters of null is null.)
That did it, Allen. Thank you!

Allen Browne said:
What is in the Name property of this text box?
Its Name must not be the same as the name of any field in the report, e.g.
it must not be named ProposalStage.

You might also check if there is another control named ProposalStage on your
report. If so, and that was unbound or null, this one would correctly be
blank (because the left 3 characters of null is null.)

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

DiHo said:
Here's a simple one, for those of you who know the answer! I want to
only the first three letters of the value of the "ProposalStage" field on
report. Under Control Source, I entered the expression:

=Left([ProposalStage], 3)

It displays a blank field on the report. I've tried it with other fields
and got the same result --- blank. Am I inserting this expression in the
wrong place?
Thank you!