Shauna Koppang
If I have a specific cell say on Sheet1!B8 that I want to
go to and use the left function on, in VB coding how do I
do this?
What I have is the user picks a Vendor number - Name item
from ComboBox3 and it inserts into cell Sheet1!B8 but then
once inserted I want to remove the text leaving only the
Eg. In List: 1000 - Company Name
Result desired: 1000
It is always 4 digits, a space, a dash, a space, then a
name, so the length is always 4.
So I had the macro go to the cell via:
Application.Goto Reference:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range
Which goes correctly and selects the cell, but how to I
then say - with the current contents remove all but the 4
left most characters?
Sorry, I am new at VB.
go to and use the left function on, in VB coding how do I
do this?
What I have is the user picks a Vendor number - Name item
from ComboBox3 and it inserts into cell Sheet1!B8 but then
once inserted I want to remove the text leaving only the
Eg. In List: 1000 - Company Name
Result desired: 1000
It is always 4 digits, a space, a dash, a space, then a
name, so the length is always 4.
So I had the macro go to the cell via:
Application.Goto Reference:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range
Which goes correctly and selects the cell, but how to I
then say - with the current contents remove all but the 4
left most characters?
Sorry, I am new at VB.