Lebans RTF2 control alignment with others

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rick
  • Start date Start date


I am attempting use of Leban's RTF2 control on in an
invoice details section. The control works great and
allows formatting text as required. Each RFT2's height is
altered to accomodate the number of lines therein.

However, I can't get the control "FeeAmount" (lng in
details table) to align with the bottom of the RTF2
control. For example

To: Services Rendered during January, 2004 as follows:
1. Snow removal
2. Janitorial services
3. Picket fence painting
Fee $ 275.00

Additional services rendered:
a) Auto maintenance
b) Roof repairs (office)
Fee $ 300.00

Sub total $ 575.00
HST 86.25
TOTAL DUE $ 661.25

Depending on how many lines are in each RTF2 control the
fee amount ends up somewhere other than at the bottom of
the paragraph.

Any suggestions on how to force the fee amount to always
appear on the line just below the RTF2 control?

The cose behind the sample Report shows you how to use the RTFheight
property. You can simply use this property + the RTF Top property to
enable you to place controls directly below the bottom of the RTF2


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Hi Stephen:

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Most
helpful utility.


Rick in NS
Hi Stephen:

The forms in the sample for Access2002 work find.
I have had limited success with replicating the RTF2 in an
existing invoice subform by importing the sample form and
modifying the code to match my own objects. The RTF2
toolbar is totally unresponsive although I have copied the
RTF2 toolbar module over as well.

In any event the RTF2 object does not recognize existing
data in the table and I have found that copying the
existing text from the old memo control to the new RTF2
control appears to be the only way. One invoice at a
time. (several hundred to go) As well once copied into
the RFT2 control the text defaults to bold rather than
normal text.

Is there any way to set the default to normal text versus


Access has problems with any ActiveX controls on a Subform. MS does not
reccommend the usage of ActiveX controls on a SubForm.

THe default is certainly not for Bolded text. A quick way to reset is to
use the Selxx props to select all of the text and then set the Bold prop
to false.

YOu should not have to manually copy the contents of one control to
another as their are exposed properties that can facilitate this
movement of data.

Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.