Lebans ReportToPDF Line Fixup.

  • Thread starter Thread starter david epsom dot com dot au
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david epsom dot com dot au

This is code to fixup reports so that lines are displayed
correctly after export to snapshot and conversion to PDF
using Steven Lebans Report To PDF utility.

Lines are not well formed in snapshot files, so this
code converts all line controls to equivilant rectangles.

No attempt is made to catch diagonal or vertical lines.

Watch for line wrap.


Sub fixup_lines()
'Public Domain (david)
On Error GoTo catch

Dim db As dao.Database
Dim rpt As Access.Report
Dim ctl As Access.Control
Dim ctlRect As Access.Control

Dim i As Integer
Dim iRptCount As Integer
Dim sRptName As String
Dim sCtlName As String

1110 Set db = CodeDb()
1120 iRptCount = db.Containers("reports").Documents.Count
1130 For i = 0 To iRptCount - 1
1140 sRptName = db.Containers("reports").Documents(i).Name
1150 DoCmd.OpenReport sRptName, acDesign
1160 Set rpt = Reports(sRptName)
1170 For Each ctl In rpt.Controls
1180 If ctl.ControlType = acLine Then
1190 Set ctlRect = Application.CreateReportControl( _
sRptName, acRectangle, ctl.Section, , , _
ctl.Left, ctl.Top, ctl.Width, ctl.Height)
1200 ctlRect.BorderWidth = ctl.BorderWidth
1210 sCtlName = ctl.Name
1220 Application.DeleteReportControl sRptName, sCtlName
1230 ctlRect.Name = sCtlName
1240 End If
1250 Next ctl
1260 DoCmd.Close acReport, sRptName, acSaveYes

Next i

Exit Sub
Debug.Print Erl, sRptName, Err.Description
Resume Next_report

End Sub
David this was very good of you to take your own time to produce a solution
to the issue. This will help those users who have the current version in
production/distribution and do not want to upgrade to the new version I am
currently working on. This new version finally overcomes the missing Lines
issues from the Line tool.Should be release/posted in the next day or two.

Thanks again.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Thank you :~). Any fault my own: any value derives from the
value of your PDF converter, which we are now using.

David Graham