For many moons, it was said that it was better to leave computers running
24/7 rather than turning them off and on. This was supposed to extend the
life of the hard drive(s) and other hardware. Is this still the case. or
is it now safe to turn off the computer at night? Unlike the glory days
of FidoNet, when my board got calls for mail as well as voice callers
during the night, I now get very few calls, and mail arrives in the
morning. If it's safe, I'd like to turn off the computer at night (I
already turn off the monitor), and save some bucks on electricity.
** Please use address alanh77[at]comcast.net to reply via e-mail. **
Posted using registered MR/2 ICE Newsreader #564 and eComStation 1.21
BBS - The Nerve Center Telnet FidoNet 261/1000 tncbbs.no-ip.com
24/7 rather than turning them off and on. This was supposed to extend the
life of the hard drive(s) and other hardware. Is this still the case. or
is it now safe to turn off the computer at night? Unlike the glory days
of FidoNet, when my board got calls for mail as well as voice callers
during the night, I now get very few calls, and mail arrives in the
morning. If it's safe, I'd like to turn off the computer at night (I
already turn off the monitor), and save some bucks on electricity.
** Please use address alanh77[at]comcast.net to reply via e-mail. **
Posted using registered MR/2 ICE Newsreader #564 and eComStation 1.21
BBS - The Nerve Center Telnet FidoNet 261/1000 tncbbs.no-ip.com