learning the last VB.net



Hello people.

i'm a old ASP3 dev.

and i wish make win.software and webpage(asp.net)

so i search for a complet book (or web toturial) about VB.NET(the last one)
with Visual Studio Orcas + Framework 3 or even 3.5

thank's a lot


Thank's a lot for the link.

but what i'm looking for is VB.NET for Windows application ;)

Michael D. Ober

For the first time in his pitiful life, Aaron actually gave a valid answer.
With dotNet 2.0, MS dropped the moniker DOTNET from their languages. VS
2005 contains VB 2005 and C# 2005, which are both targeted/hosted on dotNet
2.0. The dotNet 3.0 framework is nothing more than a series of extensions
to the 2.0 framework, and, in fact, installs the 2.0 framework when it
installs. As for VS Orcas, it is still in development. However, the
framework 3.0 extensions to VS 2005 are available from MS Downloads. As for
books, you need to look for asp.net 2.0 or VB 2005 books.

Mike Ober.


thanks michael

now why are we typing in a newsgroup named DOTNET and not

is MIcrosoft going to call the next version B# ?
and bring back VB COM?


Well, I heard you should always B#, never Bb.

Robin S.
Ts'i mahnu uterna ot twan ot geifur hingts uto.

Michael D. Ober

Because if MS released the FORTH programming language for dotNET, we would
have microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.forth. VB 2005 is still a dotnet


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