Leap year

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Hi, Joe.
How can I determine whether a year is a leap year?

This is a common question, and many different solutions have been created to
solve it. Pick your favorite of any of the following techniques:


A quick way to check for leap years is:

IsLeapYear = IsDate("2/29/" & YearToCheck)

where "YearToCheck" is a numeric value, the year in question.

This takes advantage of VB's liberal variable typecasting ability to create
a string from "2/29/" & YearToCheck, like "2/29/1999" and then checks to see
if it's a valid date.


IsLeap = (Month(DateSerial(YearNum, 2,29))=2)


IsLeap = (((YearNum Mod 4)=0) And _
((YearNum Mod 100)>0)) Or _
((YearNum Mod 400)=0)


Public Function IsLeapYear(yearToTest As Integer) As Boolean
' Returns True if yearToTest is a leap year; False if not
IsLeapYear = (DateSerial(yearToTest, 3, 1) <> DateSerial(yearToTest, 2,
End Function


Public Function IsLeapYear(TestYear as Integer) as Boolean
IsLeapYear = (Day(DateSerial(testYear, 3, 0)) = 29)
End Function


Public Function IsLeapYear(ByVal SomeValue As Variant) As Boolean
On Error GoTo LocalError
Dim intYear As Integer
'The trick here is make sure that we get an integer
'The 3 Golden rules are:
'True if it is divisible by 4
'False if it is divisible by 100
'TRUE if it is divisble by 400
If IsDate(SomeValue) Then
intYear = CInt(Year(SomeValue))
'try and get an integer from the parse
'does not matter if we get an error
'because the error trap will catch it
intYear = CInt(SomeValue)
End If
If TypeName(intYear) = "Integer" Then
IsLeapYear = ((intYear Mod 4 = 0) And _
(intYear Mod 100 <> 0) Or (intYear Mod 400 = 0))
End If
Exit Function
IsLeapYear = False
End Function



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Great response Gunny. One thing that I try to avoid is implicit conversions
from strings to months and days. This suggests I would never use your first
check. The better checks are the ones that use the explicit typecasting.
How can I determine whether a year is a leap year?

IsALeapYear = (Month(DateSerial(YearNum,2,29))=2)
IsALeapYear = (Day(DateSerial(YearNum,3,0))=29)

IsALeapYear = (DatePart("y",DateSerial(YearNum,12,31))=366)

IsALeapYear = (YearNum MOD 4)=0 And _
(YearNum MOD 100)>0 And _
(YearNum MOD 400)=0

Hope that helps

Tim F
Or you could always use hardcode the rules, since their not changing soon.

Check out http://www.timeanddate.com/date/leapyear.html for the rules.

Rule #1
function isDivisibleByFour(intYear as integer) as Boolean
'Add code to test that intYear is a valid year
isDivisibleByFour = (intYear/4 - Int(intYear/4) = 0)
end function

Rule #2
function isDivisibleBy100(intYear as integer) as Boolean
'Add code to test that intYear is a valid year
isDivisibleBy100 = (intYear/100 - Int(intYear/100) = 0)
end function

Rule #3
function isDivisibleBy400(intYear as integer) as Boolean
'Add code to test that intYear is a valid year
isDivisibleBy400 = (intYear/400 - Int(intYear/400) = 0)
end function

Then its just a matter of writting a function that applies the rules
based on the conditions listed at the site provided. Essentially If..Then's

function isLeapYear(intYear as integer)
isLeapYear = False 'Assume its not a leap year
If isDivisibleBy4 = True then isLeapYear = True
If isDivisibleBy100 = True then isLeapYear = False
If isDivisibleBy100 = True AND isDivisibleBy400 = True then _
isLeapYear = True
end function

The code was written off the top of my head so there may be some syntax
issues. However the intYear/400 - Int(intYear/400) WILL give you any
decimal remainder thus proving if the year is evenly divisible.

David H
(Can you tell that I've got a Business Analyst background?)