Leaks in Menu

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gupta
  • Start date Start date


I wrote a simple application which has some menus in the
main menu. What i have observed is whenever i enable or
disable a menuitem, an integer is getting created
internally and not getting disposed.
I was able to find it with the use of a profiler.

Please respond if it's a bug in the framework or anyone
got a similar problem.

Um... first of all, ints can't be dispossed, only reference types.

Now, there's a lot of internal variables that need to be stored,
manipulated, etc. that we, the users, don't know (and don't need to know)
about. Does you app have a memory leakage problem because of this? By this I
mean, does it stop working or just allocates 4 bytes of memory once in a

Yes..After 4 or 5 hours my application gives out of memory
exception. What i mean to say is even if the integers are
created, they should deallocated automatically.But in the
case of menuitems, the integers are still remaining.