Mike B
I've got a forms engine-type app that's very control intensive, and
after it runs long enough it gets the "can't create windows handle"
message. I don't seem to be able to track down whatever it is I'm not
disposing, and have been looking into resource tracker type programs
to help me narrow it down. I sure miss the early CNet days, it's spam
city out there now. Can anyone recommend a good util, free, share, or
$? I'm trying out SciTech's Memory Profiler now, it does report hwnds
but really wants to give you too much info, takes almost a minute to
gather its snapshot - I could really use something a lot quicker &
more resource-specific.
I've read a few other threads here and am willing to try out the
WMI/Systems.Diagnostics approach & roll my own, but this isn't a
terribly well-documented part of VB, any pointers there would be
greatly appreciated.
Also - just out of curiosity, I'm not proposing to "fix" it this way -
does anyone know if the handle limit is a static per-process limit, or
if it's tied to the SharedSection param in the Windows value of
\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems?
According to MS, 512k allows 2500 windows, so the default value of
3072 should allow 15,000 windows? Exceeding that limit is supposed to
return an "out of memory" error, so does that mean that there are two
independant limits governing handles, or am I just all mixed up here?
Mike B
after it runs long enough it gets the "can't create windows handle"
message. I don't seem to be able to track down whatever it is I'm not
disposing, and have been looking into resource tracker type programs
to help me narrow it down. I sure miss the early CNet days, it's spam
city out there now. Can anyone recommend a good util, free, share, or
$? I'm trying out SciTech's Memory Profiler now, it does report hwnds
but really wants to give you too much info, takes almost a minute to
gather its snapshot - I could really use something a lot quicker &
more resource-specific.
I've read a few other threads here and am willing to try out the
WMI/Systems.Diagnostics approach & roll my own, but this isn't a
terribly well-documented part of VB, any pointers there would be
greatly appreciated.
Also - just out of curiosity, I'm not proposing to "fix" it this way -
does anyone know if the handle limit is a static per-process limit, or
if it's tied to the SharedSection param in the Windows value of
\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems?
According to MS, 512k allows 2500 windows, so the default value of
3072 should allow 15,000 windows? Exceeding that limit is supposed to
return an "out of memory" error, so does that mean that there are two
independant limits governing handles, or am I just all mixed up here?
Mike B