League table automatic sort/update

  • Thread starter Thread starter RedHook
  • Start date Start date


Hi All

I'm just getting up to speed with Excel and as an exercise I'm
trying to implement a simple league table.

What I'd like to know is how to create 'dynamically' a ranking
table like the one shown below.

Pos Player Points

1 Tom 124
2 Linda 122
3 Harry 107
4 Jayne 100
4 Bob 100
5 Steve 89
6 Mark 88
7 John 80
8 Angie 77
9 Andrew 71

The table is sorted on the points column, the values for which are
referenced from another sheet.
Ideally I'd Like the table to be sorted automatically as players
points total change(based on calculations In another sheet).
Can I do this with formulas/macros or will it require some VBA code ?

You can do this with a worksheet_change macro in the sheet module.
Right click on the sheet tab>view code>left window use worksheet>right
window select and write your code to sort.
Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
With Me
.Columns("A:B").Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), _
Order1:=xlDescending, _
Key2:=Range("A2"), _
Order2:=xlAscending, _
End With
End Sub

'This is worksheet event code, which means that it needs to be
'placed in the appropriate worksheet code module, not a standard
'code module. To do this, right-click on the sheet tab, select
'the View Code option from the menu, and paste the code in.


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)
Maybe best to stop the cascade of events

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Application.EnableEvents = False
With Me
.Columns("A:B").Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), _
Order1:=xlDescending, _
Key2:=Range("A2"), _
Order2:=xlAscending, _
End With
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)
Here's an option using formulas to create 'dynamically' the desired ranking

A sample construct is available at:
Auto extract full descending sort n rank w_wo skips.xls

Assuming source data is housed in sheet: X, within A1:C11,
headers in A1:C1 , data from row2 to row11, viz.:

Sn Player Points
1 John 80
2 Steve 89
3 Angie 77

In another sheet: Y (say)
With the same col headers in A1:C1

Put in A2: =RANK(C2,$C$2:$C$11)
Put in B2: =INDEX(X!B:B,MATCH(LARGE($D:$D,ROW(A1)),$D:$D,0))
Copy B2 to C2

Put in D2: =IF(X!C2="","",X!C2-ROW()/10^10)
(Leave D1 empty)

Select A2:D2, copy down to D11

A1:C11 auto-returns a full descending sort of the source table in X, sorted
by the points col. Players with tied points, if any, will appear in the same
relative order that they appear within the source table.

(Col D is a helper col with an arb tie-breaker for a full descending sort.
If desired, just hide it away)

The ranking within col A uses a simple RANK formula which gives duplicate
numbers the same rank, and will then skip accordingly subsequent ranks.
This simple rendition should suffice ?

But if you really insist on having a non-skip ranking
(as indicated in your original post),
we could replace the formula in A2
with this complex array adapted from a past post by Daniel M:


Then array-enter the formula in A2, i.e. press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
(instead of just pressing ENTER), then copy A2 down to A11

The above non-skip ranking is implemented in sheet: Y (2)
in the sample book
Thanks all for your input so far - I have the table sort working now.

The final thing I'd like to do is to update the player ranking column
dynamically once the table is sorted:

Rank Player Points
1 Tom 124
2 Linda 122
3 Harry 107
4 Jayne 100
4 Bob 100
5 Steve 89
6 Mark 88
7 John 80
8 Angie 77
9 Andrew 71

I guess the best approach is to name the two ranges of cells that
comprise the Points and Rank columns. Then for each cell in the Points
range compare the value with the previous one(unless it's the first),
if the vaue is less then the corresponding cell in the Rank range gets
set accordingly. If two players have the same points they are allocated
the same Rank as for Jayne and Bob in the example above.

What I'm not clear about is how to reference the individual cells in
the named Points and Ranks ranges.

RedHook said:
Thanks all for your input so far - I have the table sort working now.

The final thing I'd like to do is to update the player ranking column
dynamically once the table is sorted:

But wasn't the part above covered in my earlier response, re:
But if you really insist on having a non-skip ranking
(as indicated in your original post),
we could replace the formula in A2
with this complex array adapted from a past post by Daniel M:


Then array-enter the formula in A2, i.e. press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
(instead of just pressing ENTER), then copy A2 down to A11

The above non-skip ranking is implemented in sheet: Y (2)
in the sample book

Hi Max

Yes, you did cover that in your earlier post and thanks for your help.
I'd just be interested to know how it would be done using the VBA
approach as well.

Just add a ws function of


where scores is the named range of scores. Don't do that bit in VBA.


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)
No prob. On the vba approach, pl see Bob Phillips' response to your earlier
post in this thread.
Thanks for all your help so far, the problem with being new to this
stuff is figuring out how to use all the available information. I have
one more query as described below, then I'll be ready to go and have a
good play with all this stuff !

I'd like to implements a match results table as shown below

TeamA ScA ScB TeamB MatchID
Germany 2 1 Costa Rica FR1
Poland 2 2 Ecuador FR1
England 3 1 Paraguay FR1
Germany 4 2 Ecuador FR2
Costa Rica 1 1 Poland FR2

As the results table above is updated I'd like to summarize the
results for each team in another worksheet/table. Basically for each
match teams is assigned 1 point for a win, 0.5 points for a draw and 0
points if they lose a match. For the example results table the summary
table would look like this:

Team FR1 FR2 FR3
Costa Rica 0 0.5
Germany 1 1
Ecuador 0.5 0
England 1
Poland 0.5 0.5

Is this something that can be done with formulas or would it be easier
to write some VBA code in response to changes in the original match
results table.

Assuming the data is in A1:E20

Put the teams in J2:Jn, FR1 in K1, Fr2 in K2, etc., then in K2


copy down and across


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)
Liked your much neater approach, Bob,
but I only managed to get the results in J1:L6 as

Team FR1 FR2
Costa.. 0 1
Germany 1 1
Ecuador 0 0
England 1 0
Poland 1 0

I placed your suggested formula* in K2, and copied across/down to L6

*slightly adapted the ranges

Any tweak possible to your suggested formula
which would drive out the OP's desired results ?

Just another formulas play to try ..

Assuming this table is in a sheet: X, in A1:E6
TeamA ScA ScB TeamB MatchID
Germany 2 1 Costa Rica FR1
Poland 2 2 Ecuador FR1
England 3 1 Paraguay FR1
Germany 4 2 Ecuador FR2
Costa Rica 1 1 Poland FR2

Put in F2: =IF(OR(B2="",C2=""),"",IF(B2>C2,1,IF(B2<C2,0,0.5)))
Put in G2: =1-F2
Select F2:G2, copy down to G6

Then in another sheet: Y (say)
you have the summary table set up within A1:C6
Team FR1 FR2
Costa Rica

Put in the formula bar for B2 and array-enter the formula,
i.e. press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, instead of just pressing ENTER:


Copy B2 across/down to C6 to populate

Above will yield the desired results:
Team FR1 FR2
Costa Rica 0 0.5
Germany 1 1
Ecuador 0.5 0
England 1
Poland 0.5 0.5

(Cell C5, ie England-FR2 will return as a "blank":"")

Thanks Max, I forgot the half-score for column D teams.



Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)

Max said:
Liked your much neater approach, Bob,
but I only managed to get the results in J1:L6 as

Team FR1 FR2
Costa.. 0 1
Germany 1 1
Ecuador 0 0
England 1 0
Poland 1 0

I placed your suggested formula* in K2, and copied across/down to L6:

*slightly adapted the ranges

Any tweak possible to your suggested formula
which would drive out the OP's desired results ?


Bob Phillips said:
Assuming the data is in A1:E20

Put the teams in J2:Jn, FR1 in K1, Fr2 in L1 [typo corrected], etc., then in K2


copy down and across
Can even simplify it <G>



Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)

Max said:
Liked your much neater approach, Bob,
but I only managed to get the results in J1:L6 as

Team FR1 FR2
Costa.. 0 1
Germany 1 1
Ecuador 0 0
England 1 0
Poland 1 0

I placed your suggested formula* in K2, and copied across/down to L6:

*slightly adapted the ranges

Any tweak possible to your suggested formula
which would drive out the OP's desired results ?


Bob Phillips said:
Assuming the data is in A1:E20

Put the teams in J2:Jn, FR1 in K1, Fr2 in L1 [typo corrected], etc., then in K2


copy down and across
Excellent - Thanks again for your help. Do you generate these complex
formulas 'by hand' or is there some tool/trick to help you generate
them ?
No, it's all by hand mate. I did create a tool once, and whilst it is useful
to help get the syntax correct, you still need to know the basics so as to
know what to ask for.


Bob Phillips

(remove xxx from email address if mailing direct)
Bob, thanks .. albeit I had to drop that into K3 though
before propagating it across/down and up! <g>

Just a lingering point though:
England - FR2 will return a zero,
instead of a "blank" (part of the OP's desired result?)

I'm not sure how important the above is to the OP (or to the underlying
beautiful game) to have the result returned as a zero when presumably England
has yet to play the game under MatchID FR2 ??