Leading blanks being stripped

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On a form i have one list box being populated by selection from the source
to prevent duplication Code checks the existing entries. Problem has been
traced to the fact that when the second box is populated any leading bblanks
are removed and A match is not found. Any ideas on how to prevent these
leading blanks from being stripped!
What is the code you are using to check for duplicates?

Yu can use the trim function to trim from both sides, and then look for

If DCount("*","TableName","Trim([FieldName]) ='" & Trim(Me.ListBox) & "'") >
0 Then
MsgBox "There is duplicate"
End If
Thanks for the Trim thing - I'll have to think on it. Trouble starts with
tabkle of client first name, surname. and title (Mr/Mrs ,etc) . I have used a
query to create a FullName ie Title&Firstname&Surname. If their is no title
then the Fullname begins with " "& . The idea was to align the first name
better in the listbox.
Some client names have no first names ie Mrs Brown so couldnt use jyust
Firstnames either.
I have in the meantime organised the query so that last names are first ie
Brown Joan ; Smith David Mr; etc but would far sooner have Mr David Smith, etc
The Name when selected from source List box is sent to the second list box.
The checking procedure simply compares the second box entries with the new
selected one BUT with the leading blanks stripped dosent match. " Joan
Brown" dosent matcj "Joan Brown".

If I Trim the First List box entries I'll still end up with a misalignment.
But I can probably do that in code and get away with it - Will try and Thanks

Ofer Cohen said:
What is the code you are using to check for duplicates?

Yu can use the trim function to trim from both sides, and then look for

If DCount("*","TableName","Trim([FieldName]) ='" & Trim(Me.ListBox) & "'") >
0 Then
MsgBox "There is duplicate"
End If
Good Luck

Eric said:
On a form i have one list box being populated by selection from the source
to prevent duplication Code checks the existing entries. Problem has been
traced to the fact that when the second box is populated any leading bblanks
are removed and A match is not found. Any ideas on how to prevent these
leading blanks from being stripped!
Hi Eric

The Trim should do the job.
The Trim will remove any space between the text
" Joan Brown"
Will turn into
"Joan Brown"
Good Luck

Eric said:
Thanks for the Trim thing - I'll have to think on it. Trouble starts with
tabkle of client first name, surname. and title (Mr/Mrs ,etc) . I have used a
query to create a FullName ie Title&Firstname&Surname. If their is no title
then the Fullname begins with " "& . The idea was to align the first name
better in the listbox.
Some client names have no first names ie Mrs Brown so couldnt use jyust
Firstnames either.
I have in the meantime organised the query so that last names are first ie
Brown Joan ; Smith David Mr; etc but would far sooner have Mr David Smith, etc
The Name when selected from source List box is sent to the second list box.
The checking procedure simply compares the second box entries with the new
selected one BUT with the leading blanks stripped dosent match. " Joan
Brown" dosent matcj "Joan Brown".

If I Trim the First List box entries I'll still end up with a misalignment.
But I can probably do that in code and get away with it - Will try and Thanks

Ofer Cohen said:
What is the code you are using to check for duplicates?

Yu can use the trim function to trim from both sides, and then look for

If DCount("*","TableName","Trim([FieldName]) ='" & Trim(Me.ListBox) & "'") >
0 Then
MsgBox "There is duplicate"
End If
Good Luck

Eric said:
On a form i have one list box being populated by selection from the source
to prevent duplication Code checks the existing entries. Problem has been
traced to the fact that when the second box is populated any leading bblanks
are removed and A match is not found. Any ideas on how to prevent these
leading blanks from being stripped!
Trimming names can be done in different ways. When dealing with large
numbers of records in a "Persons Table", it's often useful to create
customized name fields to supplement first name (FName) , middle name
(MName), last name (LName). Sometimes users need to work with additional
fields that make up a name set, such as prefix (aka honorary or title), and
degrees (aka suffixes). Fund raising and Conference Planning databases often
include name sets such as

FullName - FName, MName, LName

FormalName - Prefix, FName, MName, LName, Degrees

BadgeName (Name badges for conference planning) - FName, MName, LName,
Degrees (editable for variations)

AddressName1 - FName, MName of principal and FName, MName, LName of both
principal and spouse

AddressName2 - FullName of principal and FullName of spouse/partner (if last
names are different)

Usually these name set fields can be edited for customization without
changing the original FName, MName, LName values. I usually make the field
size 100, particularly for BadgName, FormalName, and AddressName

Name set fields can be created in different ways. (1) Working from existing
tables, particularly large ones, an update query is a fast ways of creating
the values you want in the name set fields. (2) If name sets need to be
created "on the fly" in a report, for example, a simple or complex expression
in a text field can work extremely well. (3) Event procedures can be created
for each of the name fields, including prefix, and degrees, from the
"AfterUpdate" line on the property sheet in form design view.

If you create a FullName field, you can use it to simplify expressions where
you need to add a prefix or suffix. For example, the FullName will trim the
absence of a middle name, leaving no spaces between first name and last name.
Using the FullName to add degrees allows you to ignore the absence of a
middle name and focus on eliminating spaces for those names where a degree is
absent, and a comma is not desired in the name set between last name and

In your particular case, you apparently do not need or use a middle name
field or a degree/suffix field. In some ways this simplifies the expressions
needed to create your name sets. However, I find it important to have a
middle name field (for either a full middle name or initial) in order to find
duplicate records or at least identify a seemingly (but not true) duplicate
record. A very useful query can be created to find these records where the
first name, last name, and city are the same. This is particularly helpful
as a first/basic step (but not a comprehensive solution) when dealing with
thousands of "person" records -- association membership lists, mailing lists,
etc. It does not, of course, catch misspellings. I usually combine this
query with a full form view of the entrie name and address (two seemingly
duplicates to a page) so I can visually review enough information to
determine if the two records are true duplicates. Sometimes, same phone
numbers, street, or email addresses are determining factors.

Here are some examples:

MAILING LABELS or NAME/ADDRESSS LISTS. An expression in a text field on the
report that meets your requirements for a name set consisting of Prefix
("title"), FName, LName (no MName):

=Trim(IIf(IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([FName]),[LName],IIf(Not
IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([FName]),[Prefix] & " " & [LName],IIf(Not
IsNull([Prefix]) And Not IsNull([FName]),[Prefix] & " " & [FName] & " " &

UPDATE QUERY. An expression, slightly different than above, to globally
modify the "PrefixName" (Name I give to meet your needs of a name set
consisting of Prefix ("title"), FName, LName (no MName):

IIf(IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([FName]),[LName],IIf(IsNull([Prefix]) And
Not IsNull([FName]) And Not IsNull([LName]),[FName] & " " & [LName],IIf(Not
IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([FName]),[Prefix] & " " & [LName],IIf(Not
IsNull([Prefix]) And Not IsNull([FName]),[Prefix] & " " & [FName] & " " &

EVENT PROCEDURE: Place this procedure for each field. Click on field in
design view with Property Sheet open and click on "Event Procedure" on the
AfterUpdate line. Fields to enter the Event Procedure, of course, for your
requirements are (1) Prefix ("title"); (2) FName; (3) LName. This assumes
you do not use a Middle name field in your name set (based on your comments
in your question).

Example for first name field (FName):
Private Sub FName_AfterUpdate()

If IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([FName]) Then
PrefixName = ([LName])

ElseIf IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([LName]) Then
PrefixName = ([FName])

ElseIf IsNull([PrefixName]) Or Not IsNull([PrefixName]) And _
IsNull([FName]) Then
PrefixName = ([Prefix] & " " & [LName])

ElseIf IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull(LName) Then
PrefixName = ([Prefix] & " " & [FName])

ElseIf IsNull(Prefix) Then
PrefixName = ([FName] & " " & [LName])

ElseIf IsNull(Prefix) Or Not IsNull(Prefix) Then
PrefixName = ([Prefix] & " " & [FName] & " " & [LName])

End If

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

End Sub

With these event procedures, you will be creating the "PrefixName" field
"on-the-fly" as the data entry operator keys in the various values (names) in
the appropriate (field) controls on the data entry form.

Hope this helps.
Sorry. In reviewing my earlier reply, I noticed an error in the Event
Procedure which I'd like to bring to your attention now.

Also, in preparing the other sample expressions (UPDATE EXPRESSION and TEXT
EXPRESSION for mailing labels, name lists, etc.) cited in my earlier reply, I
am assuming you would not create a record without at least a last name.
Therefore, I am assuming you've always got a last name to work with and the
iif expressions don't have to determine if the last name field is "Null or
Not IsNull".

However, for the event procedure, I did include the possibility that you
might not have a last name. See further on. Here's the updated event

Private Sub FName_AfterUpdate()

If IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([FName]) Then
PrefixName = ([LName])

ElseIf IsNull([PrefixName]) Or Not IsNull([PrefixName]) And _
IsNull([FName]) Then
PrefixName = ([Prefix] & " " & [LName])

ElseIf IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull(LName) Then
PrefixName = ([Prefix] & " " & [FName])

ElseIf IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull(Prefix) Then
PrefixName = ([FName] & " " & [LName])

ElseIf IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
Not IsNull([Prefix]) Then
PrefixName = ([Prefix] & " " & [FName] & " " & [LName])

End If

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, 5, , acMenuVer70

End Sub--

P.S. If you do have a rule of not creating a record without at least a last
name, the following parts of the above procedure are not needed:

ElseIf IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull([Prefix]) And IsNull([LName]) Then
PrefixName = ([FName])

ElseIf IsNull(PrefixName) Or Not IsNull(PrefixName) And _
IsNull(LName) Then
PrefixName = ([Prefix] & " " & [FName])