le nom 'vb6' n'est pas déclaré

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bonjour vb2005 m'annonce :
le nom 'vb6' n'est pas déclaré

que dois je déclarer pour utliser VB6.SetItemData ?

For lPointer = 0 To lCount
VB6.SetItemData(Me.lstMots, lPointer, 0)
'.SelectedItem (lpointer).


Probably much, however if you want to know it, than you have to ask in this
international newsgroup the question in English, what is for a great part of
the regulars not their first language.

Alternatively you can visit an newsgroup special for the French Visual

almost the same as this one however after

ooops, sorry !
i try in english
the name vb6 is not declared...
in my program i would like to use vb6.setitemdata, VB6.ListBoxItem,
VB6.SetItemDat, VB6.GetItemString,
like this :
For i = 0 To lCount
VB6.SetItemData(Me.listbox1, i, 0)

but when i debugg (?) with F5 the message says :

"the name vb6 is not declared"...

so i think i have to declare the vb6 compatibility somewhere but where and
how.... that is the question !

if i try like this :
If Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.GetItemData(Me.lstMots, lPointer)
<> -1 Then ...
the message (after F5) says : "compatibility is not a member of visualbasic"

i made a reference to the microsoftvisualbasic.compatibility in my

so now what can i try else ?


Why would you use a compatible namespace if there is so much for dates in
Net and in the normal Microsoft Visual Basic namespace.

Probably somebody just ended with VB6 knows already the answer.

Can you describe what you need for date?

good night

I try to reuse an old vb6 sub where the catch is to sort the items of a
listbox regarding the length of each item. (number of characters).
I am a newbee among the newbees... i suspect there is a way doing this job
in another way : making a new user control with a listbox and some buttons :
one to open a text and with a streamreader put its content in the
listbox,one to clear the list, one to "update the selected word" in the list
by its modified copy from a textbox where i made the changement (by clicking
on a word in the list box you fill a textbox where man modify this item),
one to save the list in a text file with a streamwriter, and one to sort the
items by their length... len(trim$(theWord).......... should be Eaven !

but now just making this sub working should be great. i don't know where
there is a mistake..
Sub ListBoxControl(ByRef sMode As String)

' ***********************************************


' ---- ---------

' SAVE Save the new word

' CLEAR Clear the list box

' DELETE Remove the selected word

' SORT Sort the list from Longest to Shortest word

' ************************************************

Dim lPointer As Integer

Dim lCount As Integer

With Me.lstMots

Select Case UCase(sMode)

Case "SORT" ' by the longest word to the shortest

Dim sLastWord As String = ""

Dim bFlg As Boolean

Dim lWordCount As Integer

Dim lUpper As Integer

Dim bSortLoopFlg As Boolean

lCount = .Items.Count - 1

' *** set the item data to 0

' this will be used as a flag later

For lPointer = 0 To lCount

VB6.SetItemData(Me.lstMots, lPointer, 0)

'.SelectedItem (lpointer).


ReDim aryListBox(0)

bSortLoopFlg = False

Do Until bSortLoopFlg = True

bFlg = True

bSortLoopFlg = True

For lPointer = 0 To lCount

If bFlg = True Then

' *** get the first word that the item data is zero

If VB6.GetItemData(Me.lstMots, lPointer) <> -1 Then

bSortLoopFlg = False

' *** get the first word

sLastWord = VB6.GetItemString(Me.lstMots, lPointer)

lWordCount = lPointer

bFlg = False

End If '»If .ItemData(lPointer) <> -1 Then


' *** get the next word that the item data is zero

If VB6.GetItemData(Me.lstMots, lPointer) <> -1 Then

' *** we still have words to check

bSortLoopFlg = False

' *** find the largest

If Len(Trim(sLastWord)) < Len(Trim(VB6.GetItemString(Me.lstMots, lPointer)))

sLastWord = VB6.GetItemString(Me.lstMots, lPointer)

lWordCount = lPointer

End If '»If Len(sLastWord) < .List(lPointer) Then

End If '»If .ItemData(lPointer) <> -1 Then

End If '»If bFlg = True Then

Next '»For lPointer = 0 To lCount

lUpper = UBound(aryListBox, 1) + 1

ReDim Preserve aryListBox(lUpper)

aryListBox(lUpper) = sLastWord

VB6.SetItemData(Me.lstMots, lWordCount, -1)

Label1.Text = sLastWord

Loop '»Do Until bSortLoopFlg = True


If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub

lCount = .Items.Count - 1

For lPointer = 0 To lCount

If .GetSelected(lPointer) = True Then


Exit Sub

End If '»If .Selected(lPointer) = True Then

Next '»For lPointer = 0 To lCount

Case "SAVE"

..Items.Add(New VB6.ListBoxItem(UCase(Me.txtMotInput.Text), 0))

Me.txtMotInput.Text = ""


Case "CLEAR"


'Me.txtWord.Text = ""

Me.txtMotInput.Text = ""

'Me.cmdStart.Enabled = False

'Me.cmdAuto.Enabled = False

'Me.cmdFinish.Enabled = False

'Me.cmdExport.Enabled = False


End Select '»Select Case UCase$(sMode)

End With '»With frmMain.lstInputWord

End Sub

Too hard for me.....

Is this lazy way something for you?
Dim it As New SortedList
it.Add("Twee".Length, "Twee")
it.Add("Een".Length, "Een")
For Each di As DictionaryEntry In it

Where I use direct strings you can of course use a fieldname to make it more

I hope this helps,


yes but what happen when several words have got the same length. Is it a
problem or not ? because there is a message box that pops every time to
inform the user. So is the length parameter a key or not ? Can we have the
key "7" two times ?


Sory I use forever for this kind of things a datatable, however I did use
this time another one.

This is with the datatable.

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt.Columns.Add("length", GetType(System.Int32))
addIt("Twee", dt) 'Deux
addIt("Een", dt) 'Un
addIt("Drie", dt) 'Trois
dt.DefaultView.Sort = "length"
ListBox1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView
ListBox1.DisplayMember = "text"
End Sub
Private Sub addIt(ByVal field As String, _
ByVal dt As DataTable)
dt.LoadDataRow(New Object() {field.Length, field}, True)
End Sub
End Class

I hope this goes better.

Yes it works... big step Thank you. Is there a way to reverse the order in
the same maner than array.reverse ?
I seek around this method, try to convert the data into this kind of array
in order to reverse the list without success. only sort method exist for the
datatable : it's strange ! no ?
in the code i load a word list to test it .i notice the
"'ListBox1.Items.Add(TextBox1.Text) does not work anymore"
Public Class Form2

Private dt As New DataTable

Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Me.Load

dt.Columns.Add("length", GetType(System.Int32))



Dim fileReader As System.IO.StreamReader

fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader("c:\liste.txt") ',

Dim stringReader As String = ""

Dim i As Integer = 0


While Not fileReader.EndOfStream

stringReader = (Trim(fileReader.ReadLine())).ToUpper 'ne tiens pas compte
des majuscules

addIt(stringReader, dt)


End While


dt.DefaultView.Sort = "length"

ListBox1.DataSource = dt.DefaultView

ListBox1.DisplayMember = "text"

Catch fileException As Exception

Throw fileException

End Try

End Sub

Private Sub addIt(ByVal field As String, ByVal dt As DataTable)

dt.LoadDataRow(New Object() {field.Length, field}, True)

End Sub

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

If TextBox1.Text = "" Then

MsgBox("Please add text before adding a item")


' Stop the ListBox from drawing while items are added.


'Adds the text from Textbox1 to Listbox1 the :

addIt(TextBox1.Text, dt)

' End the update process and force a repaint of the ListBox.


TextBox1.Text = ""

End If

End Sub

End Class

have a good night
