When I try to export members of a security group that does not have
email-enabled, I get the list of characters, instead of members'
names. However, if I export members of a security group that has email
enabled, the member attribute returns the names of members.
The exported result is like this:
dn: CN=test-security-group,OU=test,DC=testdomain,DC=local
changetype: add
member:: Q049Q2Flc2FyIEN1bm5pbmdoYW0sQ049VXNlcnNsREM9d2FnZ2VkLERDPWxvY2Fs
member:: Q049U3RlcGhhbmllIFRydXNzZWxsLENOPVVzZLJzLERDPXdhZ2dlZCxEQz1sb2NhbA==
My question is that, is this a design feature (non-LDIF format?)in
Active Directory that we cannot get the member names using LDIFDE or
CSVDE if the group is a seucrity group that does not have email
email-enabled, I get the list of characters, instead of members'
names. However, if I export members of a security group that has email
enabled, the member attribute returns the names of members.
The exported result is like this:
dn: CN=test-security-group,OU=test,DC=testdomain,DC=local
changetype: add
member:: Q049Q2Flc2FyIEN1bm5pbmdoYW0sQ049VXNlcnNsREM9d2FnZ2VkLERDPWxvY2Fs
member:: Q049U3RlcGhhbmllIFRydXNzZWxsLENOPVVzZLJzLERDPXdhZ2dlZCxEQz1sb2NhbA==
My question is that, is this a design feature (non-LDIF format?)in
Active Directory that we cannot get the member names using LDIFDE or
CSVDE if the group is a seucrity group that does not have email