LDAP Box Pops up


Herb Kolodny

I'm having the strangest issue. Whenever I open Microsoft
Outlook XP 2002, a dialog box opens that reads as follows:
Connection Details:
Server Name: Null
Port: 3268
User Name: Null
Password: <blank>

If one clicks either the OK or Cancel button the box goes
away and you can use Outlook normally.

Can anybody help me make this box go away for good?

Herb Kolodny


im having the same problem. also i cant send mail with
out receiving a dialog box pop up saying cant contact the
LDAP directory server (81) can any one offer help??

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

If you are not using an LDAP server for contacts, open Tools->email
options-:>directories->view or change->highlight the LDAP directory and
select Remove. You will need to install the Outlook Address Book service if
it is not already installed. To do so, back up one step and select New.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.

After searching google.groups.com and finding no answer:
Herb Kolodny <[email protected]> asked:
| I'm having the strangest issue. Whenever I open Microsoft
| Outlook XP 2002, a dialog box opens that reads as follows:
| Connection Details:
| Server Name: Null
| Port: 3268
| User Name: Null
| Password: <blank>
| If one clicks either the OK or Cancel button the box goes
| away and you can use Outlook normally.
| Can anybody help me make this box go away for good?
| Herb Kolodny

Herb Kolodny

Many thanks. That solved my problem.
Herb Kolodny

"Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"

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