Yesterday it was working fine when I turned it off, but when I booted up
the PC this morning my LCD monitor (a 15" Dell E151Fpp) was completely
dead - even the little light indicating 'power' was off. Having whipped
the back off, I found a blown fuse on the power supply circuit board
(which is integrated into the monitor). I replaced this, but when I
powered it up there was an instant 'pop' (presumably blowing the fuse
again) and the monitor is still dead.
Is there anything a non-expert like me can do to repair this? Where
would I start? Seems to me that the whole power-supply board is an
integral item which would probably unplug for diy replacement (could I
get hold of one?), which might be more economical for me than taking the
monitor to a repair shop?
Any suggestions?
the PC this morning my LCD monitor (a 15" Dell E151Fpp) was completely
dead - even the little light indicating 'power' was off. Having whipped
the back off, I found a blown fuse on the power supply circuit board
(which is integrated into the monitor). I replaced this, but when I
powered it up there was an instant 'pop' (presumably blowing the fuse
again) and the monitor is still dead.
Is there anything a non-expert like me can do to repair this? Where
would I start? Seems to me that the whole power-supply board is an
integral item which would probably unplug for diy replacement (could I
get hold of one?), which might be more economical for me than taking the
monitor to a repair shop?
Any suggestions?