LCD Monitor burnt?

Jun 27, 2005
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Hi guys!
Was wondering if someone could help with with something, I've been wandering around the net trying to find info about it but not finding anything :-(
I bought an 18" lcd monitor from my local computer fair on saturday, for £115. It's usually a good place full of good quality gear, now I know the monitor was a second, but when I got it home and jacked it into my pc I started running some tests on it...
I pumped a white wallpaper through it to check that the screen was clear but I found that it's brown :( Alot on the edges and fades into the centre, so there isn't really a white to show. I fiddled with the controls but it doesn't seem to be anything to do with the actual pixels, it's on the screen? I'm not sure, can someone give me some advice as to what it might be? I'll have to take it back I guess because I can't play my space-sims with brown tinted space lol
Is there a simple way to fix it? it's an NEC LCD 1810x
Thanks in advance people.
It doesn't sound too good, but an 18" LCD for £115 was too good to be true! I'd take it back and buy a good 17" LCD for just a tiny bit more :)

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, what a shame though! I had a 15" CRT before and now I've got this I'm trying to look for reasons to keep it! I can't go back to CRT now haha. But I guess the worn out screen is no good really :( There's another place that does 18" for about £125 there. I might try him lol
Thanks, oh by the way, what's the average life for an LCD monitor these days?
LCD monitors should last for years really :) 50,000 hours is the average MTBF, so thats about 6 years ish if they are on 24/7!
I attend these types of computer fairs all the time and you have to be really careful and know what you are doing before buying from these types of sellers...

Usually they bring some of there stock they find hardest to sell and try to clear it all out at the Fairs, that includes some faulty goods which they have returned by customers at there small shops and the onus is on the retailer to shoulder the cost so they try and sell the faulty product on at the next computer fair..

I came a cropper once at one of these and argued with the guy on the stall for over 15 minutes before he would give me my money back (and that was because i was making such a scene) they will try and fob you off and offer you other products in exchange rather than give your cash back...:(

My advice is to steer clear, Go and get your money back (you'l probably have to make a scene) then log on to one of the online retailers and grab yourself a bargain theres plenty of 17" tft's for around £125- £150 that are all stonkingly good monitors and you'll get 3 years onsite warranty with most of em... :thumb: you will not always have the luxury of that at a Computer Fair....

Thats not to say that all retailers at these types of fairs are rogues, there are some good sellers out there with bargains to be had..You just have to know what you are doing....Always insist on a reciept and always ask if there is a problem can you bring it back for a refund (most sellers will agree) and get them to write it down on the reciept, so you have proof (thats what i always do now when i go to a computer fair)....they all know me now so they wouldn't dare...:D
Thanks for the advice. You're right too, in retrospect I can see what was happening. They had active desktops showing video on the monitors, obviously to cover up the damage to the monitor screens. But it's an official computer fair so the traders are bound by the trading standards law. That is, the must supply product of a merchantile quality, it must adequately do it's job. A monitor with such screen damage is like a tv that doesn't display certain colours properly, or a car that doesn't steer properly. Doesn't matter it the price is reduced, AND they must make it known before sale what the damage to the product, if any, is.
Failing this the customer is entitled to a full refund. I want to go back down to the fair now, but it's only open on Saturdays :(
I did get a receipt with their numbers, address etc. I was going to call them up but I'm considering just turning up, incase they decide to pull a fast one at the next computer fair. Hmm, It is a shame as generally the traders have good quality products. You have to take the rough with the smooth I suppose. It's a lesson learnt, 3 months warranty should have probably told me something about it too lol.
Thanks for your time by the way.