Lawless Britain

Do we trust the youth of 2007 ??

  • Absolutely

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Probably

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Absolutely not

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • never

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
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I am worried for myself and my children , what is this great country coming too ??, is the needless deaths of our youngsters any more now than has ever been or am i worrying about nothing , or is this great country being let down by parents who dont give a sh!!t ?? or a government who dont care, or an understaffed police force , or lack of community activities or laws favouring the aggresor . Are the vigours of employed Uk leaving us drained to nurture our siblings ...or what else....

When i was 18 (1982) a fight involved fists and a mate and that was it...a bit of turf war and the occasional banger thrown in November to the its guns and knives... i have a 14 year old son who thinks its great to mimic American gangsters with "gun poses" as it gives him street cred , i tell him grow up and stp being a pr**k !!!

I need help and so does this Country ...Where are your Kids tonight ????
Whilst its not right to stereotype the youths of today as violent and lacking in respect, there is an obvious problem. 11 year olds getting shot (e.g. Rhys) and innocent lives getting lost (e.g. Gary Newlove) something needs to be done.

I wouldn't say it was the majority of todays youths either. Its a percentage, but they get all the media attention.

Am i intimidated? Yeah! You have to be, otherwise your going to get into trouble.
i dont trust 'em no, alot of kids have no respect for anyone or anything and some of them are rediculously young

my neighbour is quite old and her garden is really long, it runs down beside the playing fields behind our house, its quite overgrown and the fence is well non existant these days coz she can't look after it. couple of days ago i was walking the dogs round the fields and i heard some kids in there so i had a look to see what was going on as she was broken into no long ago, it looked like they are were trying to make it into a sort of 'den' so i told them its private property and told them to leave when they promptly shouted at me to f**k off and to stop poking my nose in by kids that must have been 14 at the oldest!

the bit that got me the most was the fact they said 'what are you gonna do then?' which is when you have to stoop to their level and tell 'em what'll happen to them in some very creative language

its just unbelievable, i reckon if i didn't have my dogs they'd probably have jumped me, well tried to atleast
Labour can damge your health

Lawless Britain has become a laughing stock of Europe.
Youngsters show no respect & they know the courts will do nothing.
And of course we dont want to abuse their European Human Rights by locking them up!
Tony Blairs legacy will drive the country to the dogs.
Lets hope the Tories get back in to power to drive the country back to some pride.
Lets roll out Maggie!
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie In, In In!
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murdoch said:
Lawless Britain has become a laughing stock of Europe.
Youngsters show no respect & they know the courts will do nothing.
And of course we dont want to abuse their European Human Rights by locking them up!
Tony Blairs legacy will drive the country to the dogs.
Lets hope the Tories get back in to power to drive the country back to some pride.
Lets roll out Maggie!
Maggie, Maggie, Maggie In, In In!


Don't be too taken in by the Daily Mail headlines though.

This is a problem in EVERY country in Europe, its just they don't admit it as freely as us because they havn't had Blair numbify National pride.
I can remember people the same age as Rush is now, saying exactly the same thing in 1982.

And I can remember people saying similar stuff in the seventies.

People, it seems, like to moan and almost seem to get off on thinking everything is bad now and was good in their day.

It wasn't, there's always been bad crap about.

Why do you think the Daily Mail is so popular. It tells lies and feeds people's ignorance and bias.

As for Thatcher, the only good thing she ever done was ordering the sinking of The Belgrano.

In every other endeavour I hated her with a passion.

I don't think the Tories will ever gain power. Can you honestly see any difference between this Labour Party and the Tory Goverment that preceeded it?

Seamless transition. The Tories are confused cos 'New Labour' nicked all their policies.

The Tories are a lost cause; Labour are the New Tories; the Lib-Dems don't know what they want to do and The Greens want me to stop driving my big car and use a horse and cart.

I ain't voting for anybody any more.

And as for the BNP, I'd willingly machine gun the lot of 'em.

Most kids today are actually ok, they really are.

It's just a significant minority who grab a lot of attention with their anti-social antics and get noticed.

And it's always been that siginicant minority who get noticed.

If it makes you feel good to moan and feel bad, go ahead.

Myself, I look for the good, and there is so much more good than bad out there.

We do try and avoid politics at PCR, for obvious reasons, so please, be passionate by all means but let's try not to get too personal ;)

Carry on :)
hah, i live in america - how do you think i feel?
i live in an area where its all gangs,gangs,gangs & we have two area`s in this town that have always been at constant battle with each other & gets quite serious i.e young kids getting shot.

none of the decent residents go out after dark as they are too afraid & ive lost count of the times i cant get out of my own driveway for cars that come in & out by the hundreds(being disabled i need access all the time for the hospital etc)..why dont we say anything-because we cant or the house would get firebombed & the police are never around when its all happening of course!!! :mad:

the law only works for the criminals nowdays-i know this from personal experience as we have gone through hell the past year but the council wont move us even though we have a folder full of files from mp`s letters to health reports of why we have to get out of here,it just seems they want to keep people here because they know nobody else would move in if we left?

i have raised four kids & now a happy nanny & none of mine have ever been in trouble even when peer pressure kicked in so ime quite proud of that & more than happy that both my eldest got away from this area & live happy lives.
Theres just no disipline nowdays & thats where it went wrong,i had a clip round the ear from a local bobby for smoking outside school & was brought up around the military & it never did me any harm.
We need stricker rules & sentencing but of course that will never happen because the do-gooders will scream & shout as per usual & the criminals will go on ruling :mad:
Where do you live Sol?

I agree that this whole human rights business is ridiculous. I got smacked as a child, and there is no reason on earth why you shouldn't be able to smack your own kids when they are bad. Plus I think bringing back caning at school would probably sort 99% of the problems out in education.
Hmm, some common ground here.

I must admit things were better when a copper could whack a kid kid oops upside the head without having to be worried about being sued or being fingered as a child molester.

What all the do-gooders forget to realise is that kids will take the ****. They will get away with causing as much upset as is humanly possible, that's just the way kids are.

So, in the past, to stop them disrupting stuff, we'd slap 'em or punish 'em.

And it worked, mostly.

As a kid, I got got caned at school, regularly. I accepted it, mostly I was out of order anyway and I knew it. I never once suffered corporal punishment when I didn't deserve it. Truth.

And did it keep me out of trouble?

Well yes, mostly, it did, cos it weren't pleasant, suffering pain.

At about age 14, round the back of the Lewisham Odeon cinema, me and two mates practsising our air guns, trying to shoot pigeons, mostly.

Uniformed police seargeant spots us, confiscates air guns and makes us watch as he drops all three guns down a drain.

Clips us all round the head, tells us to get on home and walks away.

Which we did, accepting that crap happens. No ill feeling, just an acceptance that we knew we were wrong (although a bit peeved we lost our air guns, lol).

We didn't get taken to the police station, we were not arrested, we didn't gather a criminal record, we didn't go through the mangler of social services.

No, we just knew we had a hot ear each where the copper had whacked us and we'd been caught out.

Kinda mutual respect, us and old Bill, really.

So, ya see, I ain't totally against old school, some things were better then, definitely, all I'm saying is don't have total lack of faith in young kids, most of 'em is good.

For real.
Most of em, eh?
kinda hard to see that when they smash out your windshield....
Oh, and to answer your tread question, Rush - I have met pleny of bad apples before, and i recon i will keep crossing paths with 'em (wether i want to or not) till the end.
I do feel we need to really crack down on under age drinking, thats a start in anybodys eyes, i see kids drinking at every hour of the day . Its far too cheap and easily accesible at the moment.
PotGuy said:
Where do you live Sol?

I agree that this whole human rights business is ridiculous. I got smacked as a child, and there is no reason on earth why you shouldn't be able to smack your own kids when they are bad. Plus I think bringing back caning at school would probably sort 99% of the problems out in education.

sorry didnt reply sooner,had no net for past three days :mad:

We live in Nottingham & we gave evidence in court last year against my daughters ex who tried to throw her over a third floor balcony,tried to strangle her & abducted our then 18 month old granddaughter..they were taken out the area that night for thier own safety never to return here which has torn us apart.
This ****** got 2months & when he came out of prison(for the umpteenth time) he went back home which is literally round the corner from us-as is all his family,we live right in between his friends & feel like we are being suffocated-cant go out the door without them all watching!!!
In the past year we have gone through the police/welfare rights/all the local counsellors/even the mp/medical reports etc & still they wont move us even though we have had car damage,people banging on windows/doors all hours etc which is awful as we live in a bungalow & we just cant afford private rented accomodation or we would be off like a shot.
What amazes me is he has a probation officer who got him a flat,tried to find him a job etc etc while we suffer & me nor my hubby has ever been in trouble in our lives-this system is all wrong & makes me so damn angry because him & his family are all criminals,they keep getting evicted & re housed in the area but we get nothing or no help
anyway thats enough of my moans if you havnt all fell asleep :lol:
blessings to you all
sol x
Sol, We are here if you need to let of steam.
Think of us as your virutal social worker here in cyber space.:nod:
sol said:
This ****** got 2months & when he came out of prison(for the umpteenth time) he went back home which is literally round the corner from us-as is all his family,we live right in between his friends & feel like we are being suffocated-cant go out the door without them all watching!!!
In the past year we have gone through the police/welfare rights/all the local counsellors/even the mp/medical reports etc & still they wont move us even though we have had car damage,people banging on windows/doors all hours etc which is awful as we live in a bungalow & we just cant afford private rented accomodation or we would be off like a shot.

Sol, what a dreadful experience for you and your family, I know that sympathy doesn't really help but for what it's worth, you have mine. :nod:

There has to be something badly wrong with a system which offers so much help and support for the perpetrators of crime, whilst leaving their victims to "stew!" It sounds as if you have exhausted most of the options, but I wondered whether you might find it helpful to look at "The Protection from Harassment Act 1997" HERE - it's a bit "wordy" to say the least, but if you scroll down the page to "4" which is about "Putting people in fear of violence" (thinking about your windows being banged-on and car damaged, etc...) maybe you will find something that could help? Just a long-shot I know :nod: :)
Im with flops first post on this one.
People been saying the same sort of stuff about the 'next generation' since the 50's
There's always been sociopaths & they always are the ones who catch the headlines while most kids go about their everyday lives without ever making a news paper.
John read the news article about the shootings in Manchester recenltly
& couldn't read it again.
It took him right back to his own childhood.
His best friend was shot through the head & killed on a school trip.
He was 12 years old.
John himself was shot at school when he was 14
What happened... the kids with the gun got the proverbial whack round the ear & their gun taken away.
John was left to make his way home, where his mother gave him the same treatment for ruining his Anorak & getting blood all over his clothes.
From the placing of the scar, if the bullet hadn't been deflected by a rib, it would've passed straight through his lung & he'd've drowned in his own blood in less than a minute.
John's Dad was a Copper & he remembers plenty of nights waiting up to see if his Dad came home after some gang fight or other.
& the time that he didn't. When they spent the night sitting around his hospital bed waiting to see if he'd live 'till the morning.
This sort of sh*t has been going on since WW2
Ironically, the generation following that war had the highest level of delinquency per population of ANY generation since.
But, despite that, most people still managed to grow up alright & live normal 'decent' lives.
Because, despite the headlining delinquents, most people did manage to live normal 'decent childhoods to some degree or another.
We all love to look back at our own childhoods through such rosy tinted glasses.
But John's fifty years old next year.
What happened to him wasn't yesturday.
And, as sol pointed out
plenty of kids still manage to grow up to be normal, healthy teens & adults, despite all the pressures.
& for the most part they're the ones who'll be tut-tutting over the newspaper articles in10 - 20 years time cos things are so much worse now than when they were kids.
But the fact is that, even with all the horrors we read about today,
There'll still be more out've this generation of kids doing that tut-tutting
Than there will be rotting in the Jails.
The unsung heros perhaps?
sol said:
sorry didnt reply sooner,had no net for past three days :mad:

We live in Nottingham & we gave evidence in court last year against my daughters ex who tried to throw her over a third floor balcony,tried to strangle her & abducted our then 18 month old granddaughter..they were taken out the area that night for thier own safety never to return here which has torn us apart.
This ****** got 2months & when he came out of prison(for the umpteenth time) he went back home which is literally round the corner from us-as is all his family,we live right in between his friends & feel like we are being suffocated-cant go out the door without them all watching!!!
In the past year we have gone through the police/welfare rights/all the local counsellors/even the mp/medical reports etc & still they wont move us even though we have had car damage,people banging on windows/doors all hours etc which is awful as we live in a bungalow & we just cant afford private rented accomodation or we would be off like a shot.
What amazes me is he has a probation officer who got him a flat,tried to find him a job etc etc while we suffer & me nor my hubby has ever been in trouble in our lives-this system is all wrong & makes me so damn angry because him & his family are all criminals,they keep getting evicted & re housed in the area but we get nothing or no help
anyway thats enough of my moans if you havnt all fell asleep :lol:
blessings to you all
sol x

Sol, you have my absolute sympathy.
The same thing happened to my best friend about 12 years ago.
It was a horrific experience & although he was caught & her son returned to her, her ex husband was not even given a slap on the wrist & retained weekend custody rights.
Every weekend she went through the horror of not knowing if her son would come back to her on Monday.
To fear for your children in that way is a sickening experience no Parent or grandparent should have to go through.
Like Feckit said, anytime you need to talk, or to shout, we're here.
Sol, I hear you.

Your situation smacks of injustice.

The key to being rehoused by the council is - Panic Attacks.

Say you're going quietly crazy, liase with your GP and get them to back you up - you stand a good chance of getting rehoused.

Either that or go to extremes.

Banners oputside your house, phone the police every day and say you're being attacked, 999 if neccessary.

Truth is, you won't get anywhere by going the normal route and being passive. This much I have found out myself.

I still stand by my belief that the majority of youngsters are good but I also acknowledge the fact there are an awful lot of scumbags out there.

Good luck to you.

Where I live, it ain't too bad, just the occasional graffitti, sometimes they try and set fire to stuff and my daughter was mugged for her mobile phone by two fat white 15 year olds with knives. These two bitches were actually caught, appeared at Camberwell Youth Court and because they pleaded guilty, got probation.

The police felt sure they'd get custodial sentences, but there ya go.

I'm not blind to the crap that's going down but I still insist that in Britain as a whole, it really ain't too bad.

One day I'll tell you the story of how a burglar woke me up in my bedroom at 4am and held a knife to my throat as I lay in my bed.

I was arrested. The police told me I was lucky he didn't die through blood loss.

That was Boxing Day 1999.