Just what is it with you michael?
It seems to be a never ending campaign with you. Why?
As much as I despise the actions of the RIAA and the BPI, I can at least see where they're coming from.
All of us work for a living.
Some of us are company directors, others drive a cab, some work in Top Shop selling iffy shirts, some work as police officers, others work selling slabs of cooked beef in MacDonalds.
Some take their chance working as musicians and expect toget paid for it if their product pleases people.
Would you have every entertainer work for nothing?
michael555, your never ending, moaning, whingeing, is really getting on my nerves.
Yes, I use Limewire, yes, I buy audio CD's, yes, I buy (and rent) movie DVD's.
I have been buying music since 1961 and promoting music via dj-ing since 1971.
I have actually helped to sell lots of music, I really have, over the last 30-odd years.
What have you done to support our creative artists?
Bugger-all, it would seem, except constantly moan you ain't getting a freebie.
I'm telling you now, if you don't change your tune, you're history